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A short overview about the German Teams


The World is mine
Apr 2, 2003
"Die Deutsche Küche"
The supposedly weaker but sympathetic Team.All depends on FS.

Best Players:
FS Frederic Steiner

Good Players:

"Goldene Anarchie"
The stronger Team.
MicroManagement extrem.They squeeze everything out.
Strong in the Beginning, good Settle Placement. F11 Analysts
Much predictable and Weaknesses in the conduct of war.

Best Players:

Good Players:
Fonte Randa

Best Players is not comparable with the best here.

I hope I now no one had done badly
Good to know.
So I guess we will strive for a friendship with the Deutsche Küche? (At least we will never go hungry with them as friends... :lol: )

(Their name means translated: "The German Cuisine"...)
that is correct for you, Lanzelot.

We southern folk are not so fond of deutsche küche, so i might become a starving knight in this friendship :lol:

do you think Golden Anarchy will go to sling?
What did you mean when rate there very strong players?
Are they good as we are? Or better?
Are you capable to do F11? May be just table?
do you think Golden Anarchy will go to sling?
I dont think that "Anarchie" go to sling,itßs not their example.
What did you mean when rate there very strong players?
Are they good as we are? Or better?
Not better. Only FS in SP and Loki in Demogames are as good.
Are you capable to do F11?
Yes, but its not so important as it sounds.
May be just table?
i dont understand what u mean.
my english is bad
Here are a few observations regarding the other teams (and our team in comparison):

What I noticed when reading some of the democracy-game threads over at Civforum: some of these guys like to "quarrel" a lot... (Just like justanick in the Conference: he is not able to see other people's point of view and not willing to make a compromise, or even admit that somebody else's idea might be better than his own.)
So when at some point in the game different people have different opinions about something, they do not try to find the "objectively best" solution; everyone tries to force his opinion upon the others...
And some of the things they have said to each other are not really nice... This of course demotivates the ones being insulted. (And having every single member of the team motivated is a key point for success!)

I think we can take advantage of that, if we make sure that we will act as "one band of good friends, united by one great quest we want to achieve as a team". Therefore I suggest the following rules for our internal interaction:
  • I think we have 6 very excellent players assembled in this team. So it may well be that sometimes someone else will have a better idea than yourself. Listen to what other say, state your arguments pro and contra objectively and then try to find the "best" idea, even if it's somebody elses.
  • Nobody is perfect, so everyone will make a mistake eventually. But we will not make any accusations or shout at each other. Just point out the mistake as a matter of fact, so we can avoid it for the future, but don't get upset/personal about it.
  • When dealing with the other teams, we will be courteous and friendly. In my experience this achieves much better results than being threatening or demanding. (And when it really does come to war, most often it allows you to determine the point of time. So you can choose the time for war when it is most conveniently for you, instead of letting the other side call the shots.)

Memento already said it, and I got the same impression that the leading players at Civforum are excellent in terms of Micromanagement and things like F11 analysis, but they are not as good in diplomacy, general strategy and military actions.

On the other hand, I think that we have an expert in every field in our team. In order to assess our strenghts and weaknesses, perhaps everyone of you could state in this thread, what he is best/worst in? So let me start:

I think I'm quite good at diplomacy and at Micromanagement, especially early fast research. But I am weak at fast military campaigns (horsemen rushes, knight rushes). (My domination/conquest games are always 100 years slower than Ivan's, ignas', Memento's or templar's... :D )

Sir Lanzelot
very good points, Lanzelot.

i am still trying to make out the specifics of a game against other human players. maybe i could try a mini-test-pbem with one of you guys? just so that i see a couple of turns in such a game...

before i feel i have a good enough understanding of this, i think i should not play any turns. but usually i am able to adapt to new playing environments quickly if i get the background information.

i am good at early growth, a normal level of mm, and early wars against high difficulty AIs (which will not help a bit here :)); mediocre at science; i have little knowledge of IA and MA times in any regards, as i simply finished only a few games ever that lasted that long. i have absolutely no experience with diplomacy amongst human players.

first i tell you my bad side.
Diplomacy is very bad with the wrong people (d7+Loki=Anarchie). I like to annoy the two, because they always leave full. Its better for all that i leave out this part.
Bad English is the other negative Point.

My preferred in a DG is certainly the war planning (Especially against the German Teams. They are very easy to surprise).

I think in MM,research etc we are all very good Players.
I'm quite good at Micromanagement, especially early fast research. Better than Lanzelot, I think. I can be good at early expansion, [road network first + ship chain with settlers on] but I am not sure that it is a key. Not so strong in “dot map”.

I am not strong at military campaigns preparation, but it was with AI. Don’t like a situation when all campaign might be at risk to fail, even if risk is very small. I am excellent in logistics, e.g. fastest possible maximum troops transfer with minimum ships, it is important to surprise opponent.

I believe, I am good "team leader" with big experience of supervision. I am good at syntheses of many body ideas and capable to work out long term strategy plans with superposition of these ideas. I have a good memory and keep in mind motivations of other players.

My weak points in general are that I often can do some trivial mistakes if overlook something in rules, troop position or miscalculate something. Especially in the case when I am obsessed with some “bright idea”. My misprints in writing and mistakes in reading also could be very harmful for the team management. Often I write opposite in comparison to what I want to say… And become upset, when people “do not understand me”… Somebody has “errors correction code” and filter out these features, but somebody get upset in return.

My diplomacy skills good in general, my imagination permits me to look at the situation from opponent’s point of view and “calculate” what he may want to get from the contract. As before, unfortunately, mistakes and misprints often destroy excellent ideas.

I like to introduce advanced Mathematics into CivIII. For example I have a program for corruption calculations that have no mistake that CA2 has. It also works for planed Cities. Other my attempts to calculate optimal ratio of Galleys to Knights for fast campaign or optimal amount of Granaries or Libraries was not finished. I can write service program to process data from F11, but I am not accurate in row data collection.

That’s it, for first instance, you will see more during the game.
My strengths are I'm a decent player, when I do the GOTMs I usually am between the elite and the shield 'winners'. I have a good vocabulary, and am fairly good at deciphering 'English as a second language' writing. I like fighting wars, though I can get frustrated at times. My weaknesses, PBEM inexperience, my average micromanagement, a so-so strategic ability and frustration when things go bad.
and am fairly good at deciphering 'English as a second language' writing.

That should help with both, the communication to the German teams as well as with understanding the thoughts of your own team mates... ;)
(I think you are the only English native speaker in our team, aren't you...? :crazyeye:)

Glad you are finally on board!
There are native English speakers on this site? Really? :p;)

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