Finishing Games

Neither those civs nor using Win7 causes any problems for me.

My guess is that most repeatable CTDs are caused by dying treasure chest, a bug which has been fixed in 1.31. Of course I can't say for sure until Valk gets around to releasing it to dirty non-team commoners like myself ;).

Well, I haven't had a CTD in a long while (Win 7 + ATI).

There would be many of those treasure chests since mayor AI annoyingly counters health problems by making citizens doctors, which leads great doctors, who are useless and which again AI uses to build that alchemy building, what-it's-called? where you can buy potions that then drop as treasure chests. Terrible sentence. AI buys a lot of potions sometimes and thus its units leave treasure chest stacks when they die.

The thing is; who exactly destroys those when you can as easily pick them up and use them yourself? I even stole AI's hidden treasure chest when I had a detector near by with no problem.
I think you are mistaking:
hidden treasure chests are given through event or exploration : you get/buy a map that shows you a treasure chest. Issue is nobody else can see it/take it. Plus when the civ is killed the chest doesn't disappear.
(what you are talking about is equipment. said equipement is represented by a chest but is not a chest ; when you obverview it, the icone is the name of the equipement ; for a chest, you don't know what will be in it).
Well, I haven't had a CTD in a long while (Win 7 + ATI).

There would be many of those treasure chests since mayor AI annoyingly counters health problems by making citizens doctors, which leads great doctors, who are useless and which again AI uses to build that alchemy building, what-it's-called? where you can buy potions that then drop as treasure chests. Terrible sentence. AI buys a lot of potions sometimes and thus its units leave treasure chest stacks when they die.

The thing is; who exactly destroys those when you can as easily pick them up and use them yourself? I even stole AI's hidden treasure chest when I had a detector near by with no problem.

The problem is that treasure chests are set to die if they don't have any promotions (so when you pick up a healing potion the "healing potion" promotion is transferred from the chest to your unit, the chest doesn't have any promotions anymore and it vanishes.), this works fine if the last promotion is an item but if somehow the chest gained a promotion it shouldn't have (e.g. Wintered from the Frozen WS) and those promotions are removed somehow (e.g. because someone cast Dispel next to the chest) it causes CTDs.

At the very least that's how I understood snarkos explanation.
The problem is that treasure chests are set to die if they don't have any promotions (so when you pick up a healing potion the "healing potion" promotion is transferred from the chest to your unit, the chest doesn't have any promotions anymore and it vanishes.), this works fine if the last promotion is an item but if somehow the chest gained a promotion it shouldn't have (e.g. Wintered from the Frozen WS) and those promotions are removed somehow (e.g. because someone cast Dispel next to the chest) it causes CTDs.

At the very least that's how I understood snarkos explanation.

Hmm, this sounds right. Oh well, it should be easy enough to delete them in world builder while waiting for the new version.

To Calavente: In my last game I used flying eye to scout a treasure chest on an island AI got via events and stole it, so it's possible or it's a bug. I'm sure it wasn't mine since I needed a detector to find it.
ah ok.
Thougth I read you couldn't see/steal them...
I'm 98% sure that in the version of vanilla FFH I played you couldn't steal other people's chests, not sure how it works in Rife but it could be that it's something that was changed after Rife split up from vanilla FFH.

Or perhaps you found one of your own chests? In Rife you don't have vision on chests spawn by events, though they should still be visible for all of your units...
Or perhaps you found one of your own chests?

I'm sure it wasn't mine. It was invisible to my unit standing on it before using the eye. Unless... your own chests are invisible in Rife too! :crazyeye:
I'm sure it wasn't mine. It was invisible to my unit standing on it before using the eye. Unless... your own chests are invisible in Rife too! :crazyeye:

At this point of time I consider treasure chests in Rife so horribly broken that I wouldn't even be surprised if they were. :lol:

As I said chances are that it was changed either in one of the more recent FFH patches or in Rife/FF.

so, although wm new beta is out, I tried yesterday RiFE again (I promised it a month ago). I did a fresh install, no modules. Game crashes always to desktop, ctd. Sometimes 100 turns, but often I can play only 20 turns, one time just 5. I appreciate the work of valk and his time very much and I like the approach of RiFE to ffh a lot and would like to play it, so please give me some hints how to improve the stability on my pc. A lot of you seem to have no crashes, problems or whatsoever, but I had always tons of problems with RiFE, exclusivly with RiFE, with Orbis or WM I had sometimes MAFs or Timeouts, but very rarly, nearly no CTD/crash to desktop. So, what do I have to do to can play RiFE?



P.S.: Next time I will upload a savegame.
Tschuggi - it might have something to do with your game settings. But regardless of those, I'm pretty sure there is at least one known CTD involving treasure chests that will be fixed in v.1.31, and since those show up fairly often, that (along with other fixes), might have a big effect on your game's stability. I don't get CTD's very often, but it has happened to me.

Valk hasn't said anything about a potential release date, but personally I'd be surprised if it was more than a month away... So you may just want to play WM and Orbis while you wait for 1.31.
Rife crashes are mysterious indeed. Some people have next to no CTD's while others have trouble going for hundred turns or less without one. I would test more with different settings if I had the time...
I don't really get CtDs, and I'm using the internal version.
I don't know whether it's just my luck, or whether stability is improved, but I still get a few, not sure why!
1.31 is on it's way, I don't think it'll be long!
Most of the time I can get to around turn 250 without any crashes, sporadically getting a few early one. However, if I have Mechanos and Scions as AI, the game crashes very requently
Honestly: The single biggest source of a ctd is a MAF. Which comes down to art, more or less, and your machine not being able to handle the game. At that point, you have to reduce mapsize, or get used to crashing and restarting.

I thought of that, too, but, as mentioned before, I should have similar problems with orbis or wm/mom, but I don't have them. My pc is quite new, huge grafic card, lots of RAM and memory space, good core.

When I deactivate "lairs" in custom game, the game in rife is usually more stable, but no guarantee for finishing a game. I normally play on standard size maps, erebus continent usually. I often tried small or duel maps, with the same result. Atm I play a khazad game on a standard size map (I love dwarven mines). I let you know how I progress.

Greez and thanks for the replies,

I'm with you here. Roleplaying each civ makes the game fare more enjoyable, even if I rarely finish a game. It is a little disappointing that the games get monotonous in the late game, but that has been a problem since the beginning of time.

This is pretty much how I feel. Once I feel the story has been sufficiently told, I move on.
From time to time I switch from MoM to Rife and this time I have to confess that atm, at turn 250, it is stable. I had no ctd-whatsoever till now. It is sometimes a bit slow, but atm all works fine. I play as khazad and have fun, although I have to say that AI on deity is a bit "lame". I think it is so stable because I deactivated the "lairs" under custom games, I have also not enabled wildmana and mana guardians, because of known bugs. I play with no settlers enabled. All seems to work fine till now. I will continue my report. Thanks for the good work, Rife-team. Keep us informed for the next patch! And maybe tell us a bit about Eden. I need some good reasons to buy civ V. Orbis II may be one. Give me another, Valk.


I normally don't finish games. I play until, as someone else wrote, "the story is done." Then, I move on. I RP all the civs because it makes for a much more enjoyable experience.

That being said, I haven't played in months. I got tired of having games I was enjoying being terminated by bugs. I know, I know.. "Fixed in 1.31." But, that only goes so far and every game I started to play was prefaced by a disembodied, foreboding voice..

"You know, this one is going to be unplayable just when you're getting interested in it, don't you?"

So, the only game I play with RiFE now is coming to the forums every day and seeing if the magical 1.31 has been released yet. :)
Yeah, I'm thinking about opening a new thread for you guys to give us ideas about a makeover of lair results, after the 1.31 release. So you'd get 1.31 sooner (and we'd get feedback sooner as well).

All that is left is making the new units for the lairs makeover and testing. The units part is very grunt-y though.
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