Recent content by Bandit17

  1. B

    The usefulness of luxury resources should not be so limited

    No one has argued that the current generic luxury system is more important than other areas in need of attention. Your pretty much just arguing with yourself on this one mate. There are more pressing areas of concern like a lack of an air war for example but this has nothing to do with the OP's...
  2. B

    Reality Check

    Sirchexxalot (quote): 2. Back in 85 the games I was playing on my C64 kicked the butt of any console version. This is no longer true. Any game that can be played on a PC at this point can be put on a console with very little, if any loss at all, to graphics/gameplay. (endquote) Please do not...
  3. B

    Reality Check

    Eviltypeguy (quote): How can you possibly ask that of people when you start out with such trollworthy flamebait in your first post? You hypothesize an imaginary world that doesn't even begin to match reality, and then ask others to theorize what life might be like in that fantasy realm, but I'll...
  4. B

    Info on Next Patch

    I agree with you on all accounts (I actually laughed after reading your last comment). The ai is more difficult to address and fix while nerfing or taking out things that should or should not have been there in the first place is the easier and quicker fix. I would rather have your solution but...
  5. B

    Info on Next Patch

    The same number of real choices are still there but the exploit choice is now subtracted from the equation. What this adds is more weight to your choices. You can't wait for a convienant moment to make a choice when the ai cannot do the same. When one is forced to make a choice it adds gravity...
  6. B

    Info on Next Patch

    I really like all the new changes. This is finally an aggressive patch in addressing known issues/exploits. The melée horse vs city change will now slow human horse based offensives giving the ai more time to counter-attack. It would be nice to get the ai to use horse based strategies more...
  7. B

    I think I'm giving up the game...

    Your correct that mods can greatly increase the life span of a game but comparing a mod heavy strategy game in hours played to an mmo is still flawed. The number of people that rely on mods to keep a prolonged interest in a game is still small compared to wow addicts and similar types. MMO...
  8. B

    Insane AI is growing on me

    Testdummy653: (quote) I should mention, that best way in life, and in this game, to prevent a war, is to be prepared for war. I would argue that having the means for war can also lead to a more likely chance of using those means. But I understand your point. Having a strong military will deter...
  9. B

    I need advice - ending eternal war

    I've been in the same situation before. My third game I amped it up to Emperor and had a very poor start. Russia took full advantage of the ai-ai city for peace exploit and quickly gained a vast puppet empire. Russia, my closest neighbor, was at least three times my size in population, about 5...
  10. B

    I think I'm giving up the game...

    Comparing a strategy game or any other genre for that matter to an MMO is really silly. MMO's are constantly being upgraded with add-ons and balance tweaks not to forget your playing with and/or against other humans. For most of them your also paying a monthly fee for this extra immersion and...
  11. B

    Which leaders run away most often in your games?

    Siam and Siam on a consistant basis. It happens so often I'm seeing double!
  12. B

    Finally decided to play an ics game on immortal

    I feel your pain! I keep finding myself in the domination spiral of doom which you just described. Just finished up a game with Babylon. My goal was a peaceful science or culture victory. My neighbors end up being Siam, Iroquois and the Greeks but right beyond a long thin ocean inlet are the...
  13. B

    Worst Civilization in Civilization 5

    NukeAJS (quote): While the Ottoman's UA is worse; their units are way better than America's. B17s are so late and expensive they might as well not exist. And minutemen wouldn't be terrible if they could actually use roads. I thought the last patch fixed the Minutemen road issue? I only played...
  14. B


    Licinia: I do agree though that Washington's UA is very lackluster from a gameplay standpoint, mostly because buying tiles is very rarely that big of a deal (the only time I've bought tiles was when I needed a resource quickly, or I needed to block an opponent from getting that tile quickly...
  15. B


    Your right, my idea was and does need some rethinking but my point was that the American UA is underwhelming and a little more meat on those ribs would be nice. Not to mention I thought this would be a stronger argument for changing America's UA's than the OP's.
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