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Finally decided to play an ics game on immortal


Oct 10, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I figured that china would be good, and probably if anything op'd, right? So I figured I'd be a peacenik, had a pretty good start location with marble and two wines, a few plains river tiles, one tile lake surrounded by plains/hills. What are the two civs that I find by turn 20? mongols and greece. then I find 2x4 horse tiles for my 2nd city. Um, that's as far as I got, had to go back to work.

What's gonna happen, will I declare first or will one of the warmongers do it for me? either way, should be fun to find out. I can always go ics next time...
I feel your pain! I keep finding myself in the domination spiral of doom which you just described. Just finished up a game with Babylon. My goal was a peaceful science or culture victory. My neighbors end up being Siam, Iroquois and the Greeks but right beyond a long thin ocean inlet are the Mongols and the French. Siam starts to city sprawl like crazy putting two cities in the middle of my empire. Next I see him shifting troops so I DOW him to get the jump. The Greeks wipe out half of the Iroquois and take the Russian capital in the far north. After my Siam war Russia invades me even though we share no border and she has no capital!

Let's just say I spent half of my "peaceful" game at war anyways...and I ended up getting a Diplomatic Victory by accident. I have yet to get a culture win and I was oh so close this time.

I do believe that one major reason for all the war in that game was also due to the lack of iron, horse, coal and oil in my vicinity of the map. So I was running around with a horde of Babylon Bowmen and a spearmen or two.

The fact that your playing on Immortal almost garuantees a major war at some point. Even though I have seen the Mongols act nicely but I have never seen the Greeks play nice.
Combat is part of the game, just like Building and Research. You wouldn't expect a Domination player to be able to 100% ignore Science, would you? Same with peaceful builds. It's one thing to be peaceful, but if someone drops a city right next to you, or if your nearest neighbor is a warmonger, better to take them out!
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