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  • Retired. His parents weren't rich, but well-off enough. When they died they left him enough money for him to "retire" comfortably. He's ~30, and before he retired he was an accountant.
    Go ahead and do it! I ask for you to show me the thread at least when you've made it, and if it borrows heavily enough, I wouldn't mind if you said "inspired by [link]" somewhere in it.
    To say the truth, I never expected to win. I knew by the stats that even if I won more battles this turn, I would lose the war because they have better economic and techs. I just fought for the fun.
    Didn't get into Penn, Duke or Villanova, but I am on the waiting list at William and Mary and a smaller school in Ohio so it wasn't too bad. Thanks for the thought, and I will check out your IOT.
    Sorry for not getting orders in. Things came up yesterday and I was out of the house for school and from eight in the morning to half-past midnight.

    I know you had the final map up, but honestly I found Africa to still be rather ugly. I seem to remember you not being adverse to these changes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I understand perfectly if you don't want to use this but just continue with the current one. :)

    I'm afraid I have enough on my plate and will not be participating in the new CityIOT. Best of luck.
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