Recent content by Grey Knight

  1. G

    Diffilculty the game?

    I'll say this - I think there should be an intermediate level between emporer and deity. I don't like all the free units at the early part of the game in diety, but giving the AI a better cost factor rate than emporer would be nice. Cheers, Shawn
  2. G

    Sistine Chapel Vs. Smith's Trading Company?

    The other advantage to Smith's is it alters the ROI equation, such that you now only have to pay the up-front construction cost. As such, it becomes much more cost effective to build those structures in small / low revenue cities. Cheers, Shawn
  3. G

    Atheist Thrown Out by Boy Scouts

    Private clubs do have the right to set their own membership rules, whatever they may be. Where discrimation law comes into play is when something is open to the public - i.e. Chili's. There are legal tests to ensure that an establishment that is effectively public is not allowed to hide behind...
  4. G

    Screenshot of the Day #51: Brave Ruler

    ... after all, kings are typically more into attacking...
  5. G

    PTW Omens

    Guys, PTW is coming out, and soon. A five day discrepancy is not a big deal! Folks have been waiting for the 1.10 patch for Diablo II for over a year, and it's still perpetually "two months out". Cheers, Shawn
  6. G

    Disbanding Capitol?

    I think that perhaps map size may play a part here. I generally play on smalle maps, where you can only found 8 or so cities before you run into the borders of another civ. If I use the settler to re-found the capitol when my rival uses that settler to found a new city, I will end up with 7...
  7. G

    Disbanding Capitol?

    Wouldn't you benefit waiting to jump the palace until you've run out of places to expand? Otherwise, you're putting yourself 1 settler behind in outward expansion. Cheers, Shawn
  8. G

    i HATE the AI's settlers!!!

    1) If you get them in a culture flip to you, and do not like their positioning, simply have them build workers while not growing. Once it is down to size 1, you will be given the option to disband the city. This gets you a couple workers. 2) Right click on the city, and select "Abandon" 3)...
  9. G

    Optimal Forbidden City Placement

    Zachriel, I disagree vehematly. Having your palace closer to the enemy is a great tool in the cultural war. When using a Great Leader, the cost differential is immaterial. The other advantage is having a quick FP, allowing you to take advantage of having reduced corruption earlier. The real...
  10. G

    The early game build out.

    The granary gives it's benefit when the city grows. Instead of loosing all food in the bin, only half is lost, so the next refill should only take half as long. In other words, the granary needs to be timed to complete just before the city grows. If you city is about to grow first, change the...
  11. G

    The complete cheat guide

    For some reason, you have "highlight=red" in your showthread.php command string. Did you do a search recently? Cheers, Shawn
  12. G

    The AI don't cheat!

    The trick to managing this is to use a few units to make the AI move it's "offending" units in the direction of your choosing, not it's. What I'm talking about here is the "free trip to the unsettled land on the other side" BS, where the AI gets deep enough into your territory before you can...
  13. G

    The board game

    As far as "random" maps go, from my reading of the review link above, tiles are placed randomly. The tiles either confer a bonus or a penalty, and you have to explore to see what each tile gives (flip them over, I assume). It sounds like the tiles are used to vary the geographical gameplay...
  14. G

    Where is the Civ3 Combat generator?

    It's in my sig, also :)
  15. G

    do i throw this civ to the wolves?

    Can you post a save?
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