Recent content by mikes61293

  1. M

    What is your preferred map size and speed?

    Huge, Epic, Continents
  2. M

    How to transition to peace after Authority

    I think it all depends on the map and what civs around you. But generally, you can use early warring to get yourself a nice large piece of territory with easily defensible borders. Once you've expended to a natural boundary, you can stop upgrading/recruiting troops for a while and focus your...
  3. M


    Thanks for the response. I'll double check my version tonight and try out the new patch you released.
  4. M


    I fired up a bunch of games last night with this map script. All where on huge size. I messed around with the settings a bunch, but I couldn't get the type of map generation I wanted. I ended up going back to continents. Here are my 2 cents: - All of the land masses we're like Europe with...
  5. M

    Thoughts on how to handle this game?

    Do you have any screen shots? My initial thought would be to attack someone else to get more land, supply, and production.
  6. M

    Discipline in Authority - Flavor

    Looking at it thematically, think of it as displaying your troops for your citizens to see when they're not at war. It's part of your martial culture. Then the troops from the honor policy are like honor guard. They're ceremonial that you have in your cities, think the queens guard or the...
  7. M

    Thoughts on how to handle this game?

    I'd be interested in seeing the save for this as well. I can't see the full diplomatic situation from the screen shots, but you could have declared war on Venice causing Korea to declare war on you without bringing in the Shoshone. That obviously depends on what other alliances/defensive pacts...
  8. M

    Polling the Forum: Thoughts on Alternate Religious Conversion Systems

    What if using an inquisitor created religious unrest equal to the number of citizens converted, decaying with time. I think this would create several interesting dynamics involving rebellions. Converting a newly conquered city should create a rebellion, slowing down your army. Converting...
  9. M

    Deity Difficulty

    I don't think the AI handicap system should serve a rubberband mechanism. The AI get bonuses on higher difficulties to make up for the fact that it's not as good as human player. There are separate mechanics to try and help civs at the bottom catch up. This also would lead to issues on other...
  10. M

    Understanding Vox Populi and making decisions

    Its hard to give you exact advice without more pictures and info but here's what stands out to me: - Your territory is seriously lacking in improvements. Farms on fresh water give +1 food, farms with 2 adjacent farms give +1 food. You want to try and create farm triangles around rivers...
  11. M

    AI and Religion

    It's definitely not impossible to get a religion on immortal. I can found a religion 60-70% of the time that I'm going for it on Immortal and maybe 40-50% of the time on Diety. Obviously it all depends on the map/terrain/ neighbors but here are my general tips: - On turn 1 you have to decide...
  12. M

    City Damage Brainstorm

    I don't quite understand why there is a big push for higher damaging cities. IMO the model of siege warfare should be, defeat the opposing army in the field, set up your siege lines, bombard the city, assault the city. In this model, the city damage would play a pretty negligible role in the...
  13. M

    New Beta Version - 1-11 (1/11)

    This is also affecting Rome's UB generating great general or great admiral points in all cities. This was in the 12/20 version
  14. M

    Some ideas for balancing and further development

    I would definitely like to see passive tourism increased and instant tourism reduced. Right now great works feel very underwhelming. I think the base tourism per work and theming bonuses should scale with era.
  15. M

    Top and Bottom Tier Civs

    They have hundreds of influence points due to quests mostly.
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