Recent content by MrUnderhill

  1. M

    What's your ideal Scripting Situation?

    There's actually a language called MoonScript that compiles to Lua and looks like Python, whitespace-sensitivity and all. Maybe we can have the best of both worlds?
  2. M

    What's your ideal Scripting Situation?

    Ugh. As an alternative to C++, maybe, but compiled languages and scripting do not mix. It's one of the reasons I've started to dislike Unity after working in it for about a year.
  3. M

    Pre-napoleonic Range Units should be support units, not combat

    Archers are already paper-thin weak in close combat. The problem is that they can attack without retaliation, and they can focus fire with multiple units on the same target. I think the only thing we really need is for ranged units and cities to return fire if they're attacked at range. Then...
  4. M

    On Sun Tzu...

    You could tie espionage into the culture system as a replacement for culture flipping: wherever your borders would overlap with another Civ's, that tile may become "compromised," letting you see whatever is passing through or being built there. You could also pay to compromise specific tiles the...
  5. M

    What's your ideal Scripting Situation?

    Well, I never got into Civ5 modding as much as I did Civ4, but I've used Lua in other projects and honestly, I'd be happy with either one. Lua with Civ4's hot-swapping and robust API would be my ideal, plus C++ access on day one, of course. What still bugs me in both Civ4 and 5, though, is XML...
  6. M

    Nuke the spaceport?

    Oh boy, that's begging for a Contact reference, or even an achievement. :lol: "First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"
  7. M

    Technological Singularity as a tech advance or wonder in the VERY late game!

    Don't we already have Future Tech as a sort of singularity? It's kind of hard to make a game mechanic around "technology evolves so fast we literally won't know what it'll look like until we get there."
  8. M

    Wonders: What new wonders would you like to see on civ 6?

    This might be a stinker, but how about the Paris Sewer System? Or London's, or something to reflect the sanitary movement. It's an unsung but hugely important part of modern civilization; I think that deserves a Wonder slot. As for its effects, maybe it could guarantee a minimum of one or two...
  9. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    Hmm. I had an idea for a hypothetical Mass Effect mod that could implement something like that. The basic idea would be to split food into different yields, one for Earth food and the other based on native life. Earth food is useful to everyone, but Harmony lets you use Xeno food as well...
  10. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    The RNG would just be a quick way to implement it. You could use something more deterministic if you could figure out a good formula. I admit that my experience with Beyond Earth is pretty limited (haven't played it myself yet, just read about it here and on TVTropes). I just got excited about...
  11. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    Fair enough. I'm no fan of the RNG, myself. Suppose there was a way to increase your chance of success up to 100%, through raising your affinity level, researching techs, and building infrastructure. If you're the kind of player who won't push towards victory until it's absolutely safe, that's...
  12. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    Those work in the background flavor but they have no impact on gameplay. The victory conditions right now are 3-4 different flavors of "I Win." Contact is always peaceful (or at least the game ends before we find out one way or another). The Mind Flower always brings about a new age of...
  13. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    The failure states aren't supposed to replace the successes: they're bleak because they're a punishment for being too greedy or hasty with your chosen victory condition rather than waiting until your faction is truly ready. That way other factions (even ones who share your affinity) have a...
  14. M

    Brainstorm Global Condition: You all Lose

    - Purity: The Warp Gate is complete, but unstable. Tens of thousands of Earth refugees try to cross the distance, desperate to escape the dying world, but most of them are lost in transit. The handful of survivors are only barely enough to maintain a long-term colony on the planet's surface. In...
  15. M

    National Grain Reserve

    A workable immigration/emigration system would also work to correct this. Suppose we went back to the local happiness model from Civ4. If two cities have a significant difference in happiness (enough to overcome a threshold determined by distance and available roads, like trade routes), then the...
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