Recent content by Shadowstrike

  1. S

    Losing all the civs

    It's not "ignorant" and I resent that remark. There are a lot of additional civs that have yet to be represented, which could be added in future expansions. I'm just sick of suddenly losing a huge chunk of game features with each new iteration of the game, only to be resold them over the next...
  2. S

    Losing all the civs

    The thing is that they can introduce additional new civilizations that use newer mechanics added in subsequent expansions, without wiping out the existing civs. Depending on how through the redesign is, you can still retain a lot of the mechanics that make the existing civs interesting.
  3. S

    Losing all the civs

    This has bugged me since Civ4 came out: every time there is a new version of Civilization, we lose all the civs from all of the expansion packs, and we go back to a very small collection of civs, only to gradually get them back again over the course of the next few expansions. I get that this...
  4. S

    New artifact pop-up should point out potential theming bonuses

    One really annoying thing when digging up artifacts is that you have to check the Great Works screen ahead of time to look up exactly which artifacts you have that can be themed. It feels like it should be fairly straightforward to just add in some extra text pointing out if you already have...
  5. S


    Not going to lie, am slightly sad that there isn't a "pet the cat" animation.
  6. S

    [NFP] Barbarian Clans Game Mode Discussion

    Is it possible to scale conversion to city state progress as a function of the land around a barbarian camp? That would get rid of all the camps converting to city-states in the tundra/snow/deep desert problem, while keeping the benefits of the game mode.
  7. S

    Next Civ game most likely will be a fantasy game

    If we're talking about fantasy-themed Civ, it would be great to have an updated version of Master of Magic.
  8. S

    Huge Earth TSL Map

    Glad to have helped with the creative process!
  9. S

    What's next for paid content in the Civ franchise?

    It's probably a toss-up between the 2K execs still not having decided about whether to invest in another expansion or 2nd NFP, or they are already deep into development on Civ7 (which honestly, they might be anyways). One thing we aren't privy to is what the financials for the NFP are like: did...
  10. S

    [NFP] Poll: Always on Game Modes?

    Right now, none of them. I would probably do Corporations (if the tourism bonus was more reasonable) and Dramatic Ages (if free cities formed new civs). Tech shuffle is fun too, but it doesn't feel very realistic.
  11. S

    Huge Earth TSL Map

    It's a bit more extreme than the reality, but central Greenland is actually under sea level because of the weight of the ice sheets above it. In an extreme melting scenario, Greenland would have a massive lake in the middle, until a few centuries of rebounding happen (as is happening, for...
  12. S

    Rainforests Should Lose the +1 Food

    Except that "unimproved" doesn't mean not agricultural, since we're talking largely sedentary civilizations, unless you're seriously arguing that citizens working tiles without farm improvements are hunter-gatherers. The rainforests might not have been an impediment to locals getting around, but...
  13. S

    Rainforests Should Lose the +1 Food

    I think my point stands in both the ancient and modern eras. In Civ6, you want to rush settling rainforests: it comes with pretty decent production and food unimproved compared to other tiles, is choppable in a pinch, and with lumber mills give really good yields (especially on hills). In real...
  14. S

    Rainforests Should Lose the +1 Food

    While I agree that rainforest cultivation is possible (and should be represented as some sort of improvement), it's kind of unreasonable that rainforests have a native food yield the same as grasslands, and a native production yield as good as forests. I can see rainforest cultivation being...
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