Recent content by Sherlock

  1. Sherlock

    Where is everyone?

    Back to Caesar 3.
  2. Sherlock

    Where is everyone?

    I'm playing Age of Empires and Caesar 3 Augustus mod. And waiting for Millenia and 7.
  3. Sherlock

    Millenia is out in a few weeks and it's looking real good

    It's not in 'Other Games' and I don't see it anywhere else. So where is it?
  4. Sherlock

    Millenia is out in a few weeks and it's looking real good

    Are we going to get a forum for it?
  5. Sherlock

    Next Civilization game and it's competition

    Has CiVII even been announced?
  6. Sherlock

    No longer satisfied with current Civ VI experience, looking for advice on what to try next

    The 'Augustus' mod for C3 (now on version 4.0) is beyond any doubt the ABSOLUTE BEST GAME MOD I HAVE EVER SEEN. It has so much depth and so many features.... it's just crazy. Caesar 3 is now my 2nd favorite game of all time.
  7. Sherlock

    Civilization VII - Features at launch: speculation and discussion

    I want barbarians to be more than just 'none' or 'way too many'.
  8. Sherlock

    So, this Civ game sounds pretty good, should I give it a shot?

    Age of Empires II, III, IV are more fun.
  9. Sherlock

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    The buzz on that is it's basically a war game where you build up a big army and then fight. Not interesting to me. Of course this was awhile back, maybe they've updated it? Or is it still a slog to see who can build the biggest army?
  10. Sherlock

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    I've been asking for an 'Ancient Civilizations' game for ten years.
  11. Sherlock

    Ara: History Untold

    If Millenia is early alpha I doubt we'll even see it next year. Too bad, it has potential but I'm tired of waiting years and years for games.
  12. Sherlock

    Ara: History Untold

    After Endless Legend I was a big fan of Amplitude. Not any more.
  13. Sherlock

    Ara: History Untold

    You guys are a hard room.
  14. Sherlock

    When Civ 7 DOES release!

    It's not much fun playing a 'build a civilization' game where there's no place to build a new city that has any production.
  15. Sherlock

    No longer satisfied with current Civ VI experience, looking for advice on what to try next

    Try some historical real-time games: Age of Empires 3 & 4 Pharaoh a New Era Caesar 3 with Augustus mod (the best ancient city-builder of all time). I'm playing these while waiting patiently for Civ 7. 6 lost its appeal for me a long time ago.
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