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  • The 'religious-people-killing-each-other' shtick is offensively reductive and ridiculous, throw out the religious aspect and you still have a bunch of technologically-advanced settlers showing up from another continent, aided and abetted by elements within the government of the occupying country, taking over the natives' land and disrupting their economy, performing ethnic cleansing, and the natives fighting back.
    Bonyduck Campersang
    Bonyduck Campersang
    No, they don't, but even if they were, that doesn't excuse calling it a 'bunch of religious people fighting each other' anymore than is excusable calling the Haitian Revolution a 'bunch of whites and blacks fighting each other'
    Bonyduck Campersang
    Bonyduck Campersang
    So it is OK to call the Ukraine invasion a religious conflict? You will not come after me if I say that the conflict is just a bunch of people fighting over religion?
    Could be framed as such yes, but then you can also call the 80 year war a relgious war for ex., while it was certainly also a conflict of local self-governence ?
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