Recent content by TheMarshmallowBear

  1. TheMarshmallowBear

    PCGamer: A new physics paper suggests that we may all be living in the ultimate 4X strategy game after all

    Again, not a physicist here, but I don't need another existential crisis.
  2. TheMarshmallowBear

    [LP] Weird bug - all civics suddenly takes 1 turn

    It could still be overflow, this persists, but how you managed to get such a huge overflow is another question.
  3. TheMarshmallowBear

    First Impressions: I kind of hate playing Millennia.

    I think the game suffers from what everyother game I seem to get near enough to: Great Ideas Executed Poorly (G.I.E.P). I do like the divergent ages, the goods system, but everything else feels underbaked. The game does a horrible job at onboarding you on Ages, a player should not feel...
  4. TheMarshmallowBear

    Where is everyone?

    I look forward to the days where we analyze every pixel. I remember trying to figure out if Zulu were in PURELY ON COLOURS.. I was wrong it was a city state BUT IT WAS FUN.
  5. TheMarshmallowBear

    Developer Diary | After the Demo

    I am sorry, I was just passing by and saw an opportunity to get my hands on early on the game :mischief:
  6. TheMarshmallowBear

    Mod request: Multible governors in one city

    It is impossible - we have no DLL to do this.
  7. TheMarshmallowBear

    New Survey

    My favorite part is the debug messages left in, including: [4235734.241] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into BaseGameText('Tag', 'Text') with values (LOC_CLICKOUT_3_CAROUSEL_TOOLTIP, Wouldja just look at it!, ).
  8. TheMarshmallowBear

    Millennia - Steam Next Fest Demo | Live Now!

    The joys of Unity...
  9. TheMarshmallowBear

    Release Date! | Ages Part Two

    Join the club :lol:
  10. TheMarshmallowBear

    Millenia vs. Civ VI

    It's poorly explaine dbut regarding notifications: There is a notification panel, it's near the top right corner, it lists often the battles, as well as other things. You can set yourself reminders for items, all except integration, but you can set yourself reminders for imporovements, or...
  11. TheMarshmallowBear

    Release Date! | Ages Part Two

    I'm only purchasing because I am deeply enthralled by the divergent eras. At the worst, it'll proof a wonderful ground for.. "research".
  12. TheMarshmallowBear

    Millennia - Steam Next Fest Demo | Live Now!

    I will say this though: For all its flaws - I want another chance to play it.. so I look forward to either the release or next demo.
  13. TheMarshmallowBear

    Millennia - Steam Next Fest Demo | Live Now!

    Interesting mechanics I plan on fully stealing for my own game. I want to know more about the divergent ages, because it is by far the most interesting thing about this game. Everything else is just recycled concepts.
  14. TheMarshmallowBear

    Next Civilization game and it's competition

    I hope they do - but I hope they have a bigger influence on their AI behaviour, as well as more dynamic reaction. The fact that most of them don't scale based on the offset of you away from the target (say Qin, grants +2 for each Wonder he has over you and you lose -2 for each Wonder you have...
  15. TheMarshmallowBear

    Next Civilization game and it's competition

    Soft announced is the term I think What we know is : a game is in development. It got some media attention, then it died down (which I think is weird). And I think based on assumptions alone, it's easy to assume that a new game is approaching closer.
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