Recent content by Velasti

  1. V

    Acken's Let's Plays Apollo series announcements

    Consistently saw posts like this one.. skewed my viewpoint.
  2. V

    Guess what I found on youtube ? Rising Tide gameplay

    The evidence shows that the average gamer is 30 and male? (I am not including social gamers, who play Bejewelled and Candy Crush and Facebook Apps. These people are, on average, 37 and female)
  3. V

    Suggested revisions ahead of the RT expansion

    The discussion was some other guy, or discussiodiscussions I was involved in. I doubt you would remember the ones I recall. Regarding your screen shot, in the base game without mods, every 1 pop city consumes 2 food on turn 1. Check for yourself. 1 for the pop and one for the city tile. 1...
  4. V

    Guess what I found on youtube ? Rising Tide gameplay

    I don't think 2600 AD is that far in the future. If you've seen Offworld Trading Company, the developers state that they set it on Mars to give the player an empty map to play with. And if you look at most of the technologies in Civ BE they don't start off very far from today. Even some of...
  5. V

    Acken's Let's Plays Apollo series announcements

    I don't understand how anyone on the forum hasn't realised the obvious. The 3 affinity victories ... are the same victory. It's not CiV's Culture vs Science victories, it's CiV's Science Victory, with different flavour text depending on whether you are Freedom, Order or Autocracy.
  6. V

    Suggested revisions ahead of the RT expansion

    No you're retconning. In the discussion I'm thinking of, anything that was not Prosperity was considered to be completely useless. Those changes didn't affect the fundamental game so much, only nerfing the vocal min-maxxers. What are you talking about? This is Ceteris Paribus. All other things...
  7. V

    Guess what I found on youtube ? Rising Tide gameplay

    I don't think it was ever supposed to mean that you left the environment alone. (think about it - you have to kill alien nests to get the xenomass underneath) I think that sometimes people start speculating and make these things about what it means to them, and then it gets pulled into the...
  8. V

    Suggested revisions ahead of the RT expansion

    I didn't realise that a virtue had affected it. Scanned through the virtue trees before I posted, didn't think anything I had taken was affecting it. Ahh but that's the thing isn't it... Prosperity tree isn't considered very good by this forum... unless you were on this forum a couple of months...
  9. V

    Suggested revisions ahead of the RT expansion

    Growers give +2 food and +2 energy. You can't count unhealth, because ceteris paribus. Population generates the same amount of unhealth irrespective of whether or not it is on a tile or a specialist, and you can't say "lose 1 pop" per grower, because that holds true for any placement of citizens...
  10. V

    'Rising Tide' expansion announced!

    Opportunity cost - nicely done :) Alternatively you could add more game mechanics which made other factions an existential threat to your empire... E.g. Beelining for Hubble isn't very sensible if you've started with Shaka, Monte and Genghis Khan in close proximity to you.
  11. V

    Make a Trade Route

    Best option is obviously to get your Worker Units to REMOVE Miasma from the affected tiles. However, Harmony Level 6 gives you trade route immunity or so I'm told.
  12. V

    Are Cities important enough to Civilization?

    Absolutely it would be excellent. Also this is very much how Australia and New Zealand currently interact with one another, there's regional cooperation and interregional competition going on. E.g. New Zealand currently has government officials trying to poach Australian workers to work in...
  13. V

    Suggested revisions ahead of the RT expansion

    They're not that special, but if you don't build some tile improvements, they can be useful. E.g. if you have poor food production, then grower specialists make sense. I think other people have different preferences, or play the game differently. I can't be bothered doing academy spam...
  14. V

    No 1UPT

    I like little improvements. One step, then another, now you're running. I don't think designers know what tactics and strategy are to be honest - you're right, the game is a micromanagement simulator. There is very little strategy, and very little choice, in that learning the best techniques...
  15. V

    What is "The Great Mistake"?

    This is completely beside the point. This is the equivalent of saying that Asteroid 1950 colliding with Earth would cause the extinction of the human race, Except, the human race survived the February 2013 Chelyabinsk asteroid. To clarify for your understanding, Asteroid 1950 would cause an...
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