Guess what I found on youtube ? Rising Tide gameplay

You spend production to move a sea city from hex to hex, adding territory that way.
Moving cities? That's genuinely a first and very unexpected yet it makes total sense for floating cities (and note how they've been adding little inflatable balloons to explorers and resource pods, looks like there's a real distinction between "floating" and "underwater").

I wouldn't call it "mind-blowing" but certainly rather novel. In that context, the earlier statements about water cities being something that wasn't done before (despite SMAC and CtP existing) make a lot more sense.
There's seems to be a new counter of some sort to the left the resources.
The little blue globe? It also features very prominently on the screenshot for the diplomacy screen right next to the affinities:
Spoiler :

So there's reason to believe that it will somehow interface either with diplomacy or the leader traits system mentioned.
The symbol looks like it's some kind of a diplomatic resource to me. I'd assume it's either used to "force" deals out of the AI or to further your diplomatic traits. Or maybe both.
The explorer ability seems quite powerful, to get one free alien for some hp, using a cheap unit. Hopefully it's once per explorer, so we can't go around leashing worms and krakens :)

Also, this guy at the background:

Spoiler :
I'm just glad you can finally view your own leader.

I hope that includes affinity progress.
Any of you notice when the subs were killing the Makara it gave culture as a reward for destroying them?
Moving cities? That's genuinely a first and very unexpected yet it makes total sense for floating cities (and note how they've been adding little inflatable balloons to explorers and resource pods, looks like there's a real distinction between "floating" and "underwater").

I wouldn't call it "mind-blowing" but certainly rather novel. In that context, the earlier statements about water cities being something that wasn't done before (despite SMAC and CtP existing) make a lot more sense.

I'm pretty psyched about how sea cities will work because it will genuinely differentiate sea cities from land cities. To me it was pretty important that sea cities be different in terms of gameplay mechanics and not +1 this or +3 this, so that sea cities would be more than just more land cities. I imagine that games on water worlds with no land mass will be different from a standard civ game since your entire empire's territory will be able shift and cities themselves will be able to bombard each other.
The little blue globe? It also features very prominently on the screenshot for the diplomacy screen right next to the affinities:

So there's reason to believe that it will somehow interface either with diplomacy or the leader traits system mentioned.

I agree. The little blue globe seems to be the same icon that the player clicks on to access the diplomacy screen. So, it would make sense that way as well that it is related to diplomacy. My guess is that it represents your faction's diplomatic or global influence. So, yes, it will probably be used to make agreements or change your leader traits. Of course, we don't know how the player generates these points. That will be interesting to see. Maybe, certain agreements gives factions these points. This would be a neat way to encourage players towards a peaceful diplomatic strategy since they can focus on getting these points and using them to get good traits or to get more favorable agreements. The devs did say that diplomacy will now be like a mini-game unto itself.

I also noticed that there are two button, "discuss agreements" and "change relationship". I am hoping this means that diplomacy will be more conversational and less just offering deals. The "discuss agreements" might let players offer deals whereas the "change relationship" might let players declare war or offer new agreements.
I officially don't know what Harmony is even supposed to mean anymore.

I don't think it was ever supposed to mean that you left the environment alone. (think about it - you have to kill alien nests to get the xenomass underneath)

I think that sometimes people start speculating and make these things about what it means to them, and then it gets pulled into the forum hivemind and redefined so that's what Harmony is. I remember talking about technoorganic spaceships before, and everyone was saying "No.. Harmony would never leave their planet". Then Starships came out..
I like the new features but I certainly hope the base victory conditions and affinities (acquisition and effects) are heavily reworked otherwise it's all for nothing. No matter how many options you add to a car, you'll keep taking the train if it's faster.
Will getting affinities require better balance of different game systems or still be only about spamming cities and science ? Will wonders still be terrible ? Will the whole tree be redesigned to make sense and make outer techs/buildings interesting ? Will specialists be revamped ?

That's a lot of work ON TOP of the new features... are they up for the task ? I can't help being skeptic that this kind of vanilla features didn't get fixed before the expansion.
I really hope that "Contact" victory gets heavily revised, or TBH, removed from the game altogether. Contact victories can happen so suddenly and quickly and that can be based on chance + luck and not player skill.

Find a fragment of The Signal via an Explorer Expedition on Progenitor Ruins. The chance is slim, but possible.

This is the part of the "Contact" victory that bugs me. You can find a fragment of The Signal by fluke and suddenly, hey!, you won the game!!
I like the new features but I certainly hope the base victory conditions and affinities (acquisition and effects) are heavily reworked otherwise it's all for nothing. No matter how many options you add to a car, you'll keep taking the train if it's faster.
Will getting affinities require better balance of different game systems or still be only about spamming cities and science ? Will wonders still be terrible ? Will the whole tree be redesigned to make sense and make outer techs/buildings interesting ? Will specialists be revamped ?

That's a lot of work ON TOP of the new features... are they up for the task ? I can't help being skeptic that this kind of vanilla features didn't get fixed before the expansion.

In an interview today, Will and David said that the victory conditions are going to get a polish to match up with the new features.

And it makes sense. They said you could play an entire game without touching land, it would be weird to have the warp gates and and the contact antenna floating or sunk in the water.
I really hope that "Contact" victory gets heavily revised, or TBH, removed from the game altogether. Contact victories can happen so suddenly and quickly and that can be based on chance + luck and not player skill.

This is the part of the "Contact" victory that bugs me. You can find a fragment of The Signal by fluke and suddenly, hey!, you won the game!!

Given the enhanced relic feature, I suspect Contact will be somewhat different.
I really hope Starships get fixed for me. It's unplayable for me as of now...
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