Recent content by zbear

  1. Z

    abbamouse Realistic Religions mod including Zoroastrianism

    An insightful point. Most people live secularly, but are ostensibly adherents to some faith.
  2. Z

    Some buttons for Naval Units

    These are excellent. Kudos!
  3. Z

    Menu Buttons

    What may have been the original Civ3 design inspired these alternates, as seen in the Civilization III Instruction Manual pp. 22, 51, 56, 144, 147, 164 (USA First Edition, September 2001). Especially p. 164, in Chapter 15 “Reference: Screen by Screen,” where it labels the Menu and Civilopedia...
  4. Z

    Stylized resource icons.

    The file:
  5. Z

    Stylized resource icons.

    This B set of v3 includes many extra icons. PLEASE NOTE: when you add resources with Civ3Edit, you can only add two new resource icons. So you can never use more than twenty-four different icons. Also, you can only add bonus resources, adding luxury resources will crash Civ3, and adding...
  6. Z

    Stylized resource icons.

    Note that the added resources won’t automatically incorporate themselves into your game—to do so you must use Civ3Edit. ...Varicolored backgrounds and kinder, gentler icons.—George H. Bush
  7. Z

    Would you like your modpk included on game magazine CD?

    They are welcome to use my Menu Buttons or Resource Icons.
  8. Z

    What are the steps for adding a government?

    Adding it with Civ3Edit and setting its parameters, I know. Then what? Anything else, new files to be created, or other variables to adjust?
  9. Z

    Graphics needed - Stone resource

    No sweat on the help offered. This modpack is interesting. Sacrifice now to SHTN as nonce unto YHWH.—Baal 6:13
  10. Z

    Map desperately need - British Isles

    Ideally, each size category would have its own British Isles map?
  11. Z

    What modifications are your standard?

    I change conscript-regular-veteran-elite to sofest-soft-hard-hardest. In that way, many of Civ3’s adjectival series can be changed into simple comparisons. (It’s another symptom of the game’s poor writing.) I also make the Wonders generic. My civilizations build “The Observatory,” “Moon...
  12. Z

    1.17f and the speed of tech advancing!!!

    What I do is go into Civ3Edit and change the Tech Rate setting, so that I discover Gunpowder in the 1400s, Replacable Parts in the 1800s, et cetera.
  13. Z

    Tech Rate editor

    The number is a “percentage of base cost” variable. The lower the number, the lower the amount of research required to discover new technologies. A tech rate of 50 means only half the base amount of research is required to make a discovery.
  14. Z

    Gramphos, thanks for the colorfix. seems to enable all the colors in Civ3Edit, according to my limited testing. It’s the second downloadable .zip in thispost. Installed the patch—my mods’ demise; woe to those who felt its bite.
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