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Blackbetsy HOF Attempts

Wow, that was exhausting. To get a 100k Cultural victory, I had to wipe out the Sumerians, Mayans, Ottomans and Germans, all of which had total cultures near my own. And I had to finish before my 20k culture city hit 20k, which was scheduled for 1892 after I dumped all the non-wonder cultural buildings. The Sumerians gave me a tough fight, as I lost a few of the captured cities to culture flips. I didn't want to raze cities to avoid the world opinion hit. Eventually, I was able to kill off the last Sumerians, although their fleet gave me a lot of trouble.

The Mayans - who were on the other side of Germany - were next, as the Germans were paying me over 1000 gold per turn in return for the science I sold them. Germany by this time was in Fascism and really wasn't teching anymore. The Mayans must have sensed I was ready to pounce, because they moved lots of troops onto my territory, and when I asked them to leave, they declared. After a long fight with the Sumerians, I gladly took the war happiness from having a war declared on me. I roped the Germans and Ottomans into the war and captured Mayan city after city over maybe 15-16 turns wile the Germans left a trail of Mayan destruction in their wake.

The next war was with the Ottomans, who I had a ROP with and abused it, with lots of armies and Modern Armor outside the Ottoman cities. The ROP abuse tactic didn't lead to a 2-turn victory because it turned out that the Ottomans had a lot of troops and a lot of civil defense. I had to muscle my way through the Ottoman territory with artillery and bombing, and it took more than 20 turns and lots of losses to finish them off. Again, the Germans were useful allies, picking up 6-10 Ottoman cities along the way. The industrial era Chinese even pitched in with their tanks and took some Ottoman cities. Even with ROP abuse, the Germans -- who had declared war on the Ottomans before I did - renewed their ROP with me. Bad move.

By the time, we were deep into the Modern Era and I had been building up a large (20+) ICBM force. But my spies told me the Germans themselves had 13 ICBMs. We waited until we researched Integrated Defense to build SDI with a MGL generated during the Ottoman war. Once it was researched, we rushed SDI and on the next turn, launched our ICBMs at the German cities and followed up with Modern Armor and armies position close to every city in the German core. In 1 turn, 20 core German cities fell with barely a fight. And since all the ICBMs were in the German core, not a single one of my cities was attacked - I took out all the ICBMs on the ground. It took only 4-5 turns to wipe out the Germans.

By this time, the Chinese had built up lots of culture. I needed to focus on building culture to double the Chinese. It took lots of rushing on max tax revenue, but we doubled China's culture by 1876, topping out at just under 170k culture. 1876, if the game is accepted, is the 4th fastest Huge Emperor 100k game....and it was a long way from the 20k game I started. Amusingly, no SGLs the entire game - I had to hand build every wonder.
The Next Adventure.

I need some lower ranked (e.g., closer to #1) on my Quartermaster. Empty charts are better for that. And....


By goodness, another Huge map 😞 Demigod Huge Conquest is next.
Large and Huge Sid mass cultural victories are both empty.

Standard Deity 100k also only has one entry. Small Sid also.

Small Deity diplomatic has three entries.

That 400 AD finish date by Moonsinger above I do find impressive, and I doubt I could finish faster than that on a Huge map.

When are you, CKS, myself, and anyone else going to try a (NOT conquest) gauntlet again? And which map type? Alright, I'm half-kidding.
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Large and Huge Sid mass cultural victories are both empty.
I haven't beat Sid yet.....and what I learned is that at higher levels, mass cultural victories are Conquest victories because of the 2x culture requirement!

Small Deity diplomatic has three entries.
(Sigh) I know. I spent a lot of time chasing this one.
When are you, CKS, myself, and anyone else going to try a (NOT conquest) gauntlet again? And which map type? Alright, I'm half-kidding.
I think a non-conquest gauntlet can't be 20k culture because of the luck involved. At higher levels, 100k culture is conquest, so it might have to be a Domination or Science victory.
Spaceship, then?
The large and huge tables have empty slots and slow times. Maybe large since BlackBetsy is working on another Huge map.
Monarch or emperor, maybe? I'd rather not try too high a difficulty.
Spaceship, then?
The large and huge tables have empty slots and slow times. Maybe large since BlackBetsy is working on another Huge map.
Monarch or emperor, maybe? I'd rather not try too high a difficulty.
Huge Emperor Spaceship works for me. I was eyeing that table myself. 3 more entries will give the table 9. The #3 spot is something that is achievable with a solid effort.

Can you use an MGL to rush a SS part?
At higher levels, 100k culture is conquest, so it might have to be a Domination or Science victory.

At least one AI remains alive. I don't mind conquering the AIs in this sort of mood. Killing them all though... at least Theodora should have her ice palace or something.
Huge Emperor Spaceship works for me. I was eyeing that table myself. 3 more entries will give the table 9. The #3 spot is something that is achievable with a solid effort.

Can you use an MGL to rush a SS part?

I like this idea. It only has 6 entries. Maybe if it goes well, we can try "the ladder" concept and play demigod for the same victory on Demigod after. And on up... perhaps. Alright, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yes, MGLs can get used to rush SpaceShip parts. A while back I posted an open succession game where the idea consisted in generating as many leaders as possible. But, I gave up on playing it at the time. VMXA picked it up, and played it, rushing all spaceship parts parts and the Apollo Program with MGLs. VMXA still has a picture or three up and a writeup in that thread.
Do we want to specify land mass type / humidity / age / barbarians or only Huge Emp SS? All other things being equal for Science games I'd be going Russians / Pangaea 60% / Sedentary barbs with all scientific opponents. Certainly the minimum 8 opponents but is it possible that more is better?
Certainly the minimum 8 opponents but is it possible that more is better?

Yes. Japan starts with The Wheel, when no one else does. So, they can help pick up the tech pace. They also will trade earlier with more friends. Though, I'm not entirely sure if more territory earlier makes up for that or not.

No specification on the landform type or barbarians. Though, if you want something different, I'd recommend archipelago 60%, or pangea 80% (with the later as probably comes as the quickest map type to play on).
I submitted a Huge Chieftain Diplomatic game for the last update; it was a failed spaceship attempt, mainly due to nobody getting Fission at the era change (but I also started a scientific golden age instead of rushing the Internet). I was going to have another go at that, but maybe I could do Emperor instead. :)
Certainly the minimum 8 opponents but is it possible that more is better?

Also, the more opponents, the greater the number of luxuries and strategic resources on the map. So, it might end up easier to trade for aluminum or uranium for SS parts (I think obtaining rubber easier, since you can see it earlier).

All other things being equal for Science games I'd be going Russians / Pangaea 60% / Sedentary barbs with all scientific opponents.

Another idea to consider would be to play as Sumeria. If you put out an enkidu, there's still a 5% chance of getting a settler from a hut, according to Oystein's research. That's the same probability as getting an SGL on the first tech, so it might require a few maps to get a settler from a hut.

But, how do those numbers change if you don't have any military units (curraghs count as military units)? I haven't checked with excel (if Oystein's file still works), but I do think that the probability of getting a settler from a hut goes up. So, instead of using an enkidu warrior to scout, put out a worker or two as scouts. If you have fresh water, that should be 7 turns. Sure, that's some production not used, but if you get a free settler, I think it's well worth it. And if you have a grassland cow or grassland wheat, growth can happen in 5 turns immediately. If playing pangea, some of the AIs with their free units might reach you fairly quickly also. If you complete your granary and end up ready to put out a settler, then prebuild with barracks (militaristic is not as easy... since the cheaper barracks leave no prebuilds greater than 30 shields unless playing as China, I think). If your prebuild on a settler gets more than 30 shields and you don't have a free settler yet, scrap the map I think.

Actually, wealth for a few turns then a worker to time it with growth would be better. I just don't know how to set that with the queue, unless there's only a one turn difference. It's also only a few coins, unless you do that a lot.

I'd think the probability of getting techs from huts also higher if you don't have any military units. Also, maybe avoid or limit expanionist friends/opponents, since then they will pop huts more quickly.

Personally, I feel a bit surprised to see Russia so high on this level with the AIs having some free units which end up going out exploring.
Huge Demigod Conquest Attempt.

Started a game with the Iroquois that I liked. Thrashed the Dutch in a war, falling behind on tech but not bad but then got contacted by a 9th civ. And then a 10th civ. And then an 11th civ. And then a 12th. I guess I had set opponents to "Random" instead of "None." (Sigh) Starting Over.
Huge Demigod Conquest Attempt.

Started a game with the Iroquois that I liked. Thrashed the Dutch in a war, falling behind on tech but not bad but then got contacted by a 9th civ. And then a 10th civ. And then an 11th civ. And then a 12th. I guess I had set opponents to "Random" instead of "None." (Sigh) Starting Over.
Man, these Huge games are a slog. Going again with the Iroquois, and I'm not sure they are the right choice since the era of Mounted Warriors is often short, and they defend horribly. Russians are intriguing because of the beyond OP multiple attack Cossacks that come at the right time. I think at DG you can still pop an extra settler and techs from barb huts and that may be a big enough advantage. Damn, I don't like the real life Russians very much.

At Demigod the AI generates pretty big armies, and cultural flips are really hard to stop short of razing cities and making everyone furious at you.
I haven't won very many games with Diplomatic, so I used your tips for a Large Regent Diplomatic game. I was able to get 1250 AD, and could have finished sooner, but I did not listen to you re: Chivalry and Mil Trad. Not eligible for HOF because used Flintlock mod. Got 1 Sci Leader in ancient age and saved for UN. Got another one like 10 turns before UN, and used him for Scientific Golden Age. I was already on 4 turn research but it allowed me to do it at +200 GPT rather than breaking even.

Screenshot (44).png
I think at DG you can still pop an extra settler and techs from barb huts and that may be a big enough advantage.

Any civ can pop a settler from a hut on DemiGod (but not under any conditions). Oystein had useful research on that topic. Barbarians just end up probable if your civ has military units and are not expansionist. Also, you need to avoid settlers, so workers as a plant to pop huts.

That said, I'm not just realizing that on DemiGod the AIs have that extra settler. So, the ratio that Oystein mentions ends up large enough if you have 2 cities with the pop to get a 2nd settler from a hut. Anyone expanionist can probable get a 2nd settler a bit quicker. And popping huts ends up simpler and easier as expansionist also.
I haven't won very many games with Diplomatic, so I used your tips for a Large Regent Diplomatic game. I was able to get 1250 AD, and could have finished sooner, but I did not listen to you re: Chivalry and Mil Trad. Not eligible for HOF because used Flintlock mod. Got 1 Sci Leader in ancient age and saved for UN. Got another one like 10 turns before UN, and used him for Scientific Golden Age. I was already on 4 turn research but it allowed me to do it at +200 GPT rather than breaking even.

Good to see you still around Ruin! I had worried about you getting discouraged recently and not coming back. But, hey, you're here now!
But, hey, you're here now!
Yes, I am here now! Hijacking @BlackBetsy's thread and besmirching one of his records as well (though I don't feel bad about besmirching since he has like 10 records just since February). Since I have made it about me, I will say that I was a little discouraged, but just like any baseball player who is banned from the HOF, I have decided to continue hanging around, doing drugs, fathering illegitimate children, and making a nuisance of myself that I love the game too much to quit!
Hijacking @BlackBetsy's thread and besmirching one of his records as well (though I don't feel bad about besmirching since he has like 10 records just since February).

I've always believed that BlackBetsy is a woman, since I've taken "Betsy" as a nickname for Elizabeth. But just now I'm seeing it has also gotten used as a nickname for Bartholomew.

Oh... it looks like I'm completely wrong about "Betsy" as a reference to his/her real name, since I found this on BlackBetsy's profile:

"Blackbetsy is the name of Shoeless Joe Jackson's bat. That's a piece of esoteric White Sox trivia that I don't know why chose as my screen name."
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