Pax Elohim (Fall from Heaven II: Shadow)

Spoiler Turn details :

Year 234 - Signed Open borders treaty with Alexis.

Year 235

We successfully pass the Overcouncil resolution to stop war against Cardith Lorda. As a result the Calabim and the Kuriotates have made peace.

At Cardith Lorda's request, we've stopped trading with the Illians.

Year 236 - Refused Cardith Lorda's request to declare war on the Illians.

Year 237 - Peace


Cardith Lorda has made peace with Auric Ulvin. We finally have universal peace!

Year 239 - Done researching Religious Law, now going for Feudalism.

Year 241 - Sandalphon's defeat


The Svartalfar have destroyed the Sidar nation.


Finally got around to training Radiant Guards.


The Lanun have declared war on the Hippus. Peace sure didn't last very long.

Year 242 - Now that the Illians and Kuriotates are at peace, we've re-signed an Open Borders agreement with Auric.

Year 244


Trained our first Vicar.

Year 245


It's time for the election of the next Head Counciler of the Overcouncil. Seems the Dies Diei isn't working properly, I think it's supposed to guarantee my eligibility for the election. I appears I am not eligible anymore.

Year 246 - Head Counciler Faeryl Viconia


Faeryl Viconia wins the Overcouncil elections. Looks like I lost control of the Overcoucil. It's not such a big deal I suppose.

Altar of Luonnotar - The Great Prophet Cailleach Beara constructs the Altar of Luonnotar II at Cahis Abbey.


Auric Ulvin and Jonas Endain also declare war on Tasunke.
The infernals are already in game? may be something related with the terraforming ( only idea that came to mind )

The best is to post something in the FfH forum ... you know how new versions are filled with small bugs.
Windows XP, Direct X 9c
With FfH 0.31 I started getting random ctd (black screen, ctd, and then that windows error report - send/don't sent) and when I fiund one that always occurs at the end of turn and report it as a bug it runs fine for everybody else :rolleye:
Chapter 8 - Fall of the Hippus Empire

Year 244-264


Tasunke, last Chieftain of the Hippus

Excerpt from Chronicles of the Overcouncil
by Belatu Cadros, Prophet of Lugus

As the religious center of the Octopus Overlords, the Hippus nation had a long history of conflict with the Empyrean Overcouncil. During his reign of the Overcouncil Einion Logos' approach toward Tasunke had been one of active diplomacy, despite the Cultists' heinous practices that where at odds with the teachings of Lugus. The Lord Logos was unwilling to shed blood over the issue and toward the end of his reign the Hippus Empire reached its peak around Year 244.

Spoiler Hippus map circa 244 :

Faeryl Viconia's rise to power as Head Counciler had many repercussions, the first being the decline and eventual destruction of the Hippus Empire. Unlike her predecessor, the Queen had no qualms about settling differences with the Octopus Overlords by force of arms. Under her leadership the Svartalfar, the Lanun and the Clan joined forces against the Hippus. While the Horselords' skill in battle were legendary, they had no hope of holding back the combined might of three nations.

Spoiler Hippus map circa 263 :

By Year 263 Tasunke was forced to retreat to his last remaining stronghold, the coastal city of Murousbane. With the ocean at his back, he made his last stand and was finally defeated in Year 264. With the fall of the Hippus Empire the Octopus Overlords went into hiding and many of their worshipers still live to this day where their continued existence is tolerated. However their abominable dark rituals, such as the creation of the Drown, have long since been banned.

Spoiler Turn details :

Year 249 - Ballinasloe


The settlement of Ballinasloe is built south of Glens of Killybegs.

Year 251 - Tebryn's Submission

Done researching Feudalism, and Tebryn voluntarily offers to be our vassal.


Trading our Silk and Cow to the Sheaim for their Sheep, Deer and Copper.

Traded our knowledge of Archery, Code of Laws, Fishing, Masonry and Sanitation for their knowledge of Alteration and Divination

Now researching Currency.


Tebryn currently has 5 cities. The city that isn't shown on the map is on the other side of Lanun territory. It was probably a captured barbarian city.

Year 257


The public healers global civic resolution has passed at the Overcouncil.

Year 258 - Chalid Astrakein


The Empyrean hero Chalid Astrakein has joined our cause!

Done researching Currency, now going for Mathematics.

Year 259

Tasunke and Hannah have made peace.

I didn't notice it before, but Tebryn's vassalage to us dragged us into the war against Tasunke. Well no matter, he's hardly a threat at this point.


Year 263

Done researching Mathematics, now going for Taxation.

Traded Feudalism, Religious Law and 430 gold to Jonas for Animal Handling and Fanaticism.

Traded Feudalism and Religious Law to Faeryl for Smelting, Sailing and Poisons.

Trading our Gold resource to Faeryl for 3 gold/turn

Traded Feudalism, Religious Law and Mathematics to Tebryn for Sorcery, Military Strategy, his World Map, and 10 gold.

It's been a very productive turn, techwise :D

Started building the Shrine of Sirona at Cahis Abbey.

Year 264 - Fall of the Hippus


The Hippus nation has been destroyed, mainly by the Clan and the Svartalfar.


With Tasunke gone, peace reigns once more.


Our cities have grown to a good size, on the other hand there's alot of buildings that need to be built so we switch to Serfdom.

Traded Sorcery and 370 gold to Jonas for Iron Working.

Unfortunately there is no source of Iron within our borders. There is Iron in Sheaim and Illian territory though. Since Tebryn is our vassal, we'll get Iron from him eventually.

Traded Animal Handling and Sailing to Tebryn for Elementalism.
Chapter 9 - Broken Compact

Year 267-286


The Queen's herald announced his entrance as he entered the Unseelie Court. "The Lord Einion Logos, Master of the Order of Elohim, Custodian of the Empyrean, Royal Advisor to Her Majesty Queen Ethne the White" the herald intoned, his crisp voice echoing across the Court. Einion Logos made his way along the red carpet, his white robes rustling in the cool air of the Court. As soon as he reached Queen Faeryl's throne, he bowed deeply and waited silently.

Following Svartalfar Court etiquette, the Queen spoke first. "Lord Logos, on behalf of the Svartalfar I welcome you to the Unseelie Court. From the time you resigned your leadership of the Overcouncil it has been too long since we've had the pleasure of each other's company. To what do we owe this honour?"

The Queen knew precisely why he had come of course, few events on Erebus happened without her knowledge. But she enjoyed her games, and even more so because she knew Einion disliked it. He hid his annoyance well, though she could still sense it.

"Your Majesty is most generous with praise and I thank Your Majesty for allowing me the honour of an audience. I have come out of concern for all mortals on Erebus, to beg Your Majesty to halt the construction of the Mercurian Gate". Straight to the point as always, Faeryl thought.

She could never understand the Lord Logos. The Infernals had already appeared on Erebus and he was still worried about the Compact. Meanwhile the taint of decay had already begun spreading on Erebus. Her scouts had discovered a previously unknown continent already affected by the rapidly spreading decay.
Spoiler Hell terrain :
"Lord Logos, I'm afraid that we must finish the Gate since it is my duty to protect our ancestral forests from the decay. Once we call the Mercurians onto this world, we shall be able to eliminate the source of the decay with their help. The Compact has already been broken with the arrival of the Infernals, why do you wish to preserve what is left of it?"

"Your Majesty, the Mercurians do not care about your ancestral forests, nor for the lives of your people. In their single minded quest to destroy the Demons they will spread death and destruction as surely as the Infernals would. Please Your Majesty! I beg you to reconsider your course. There is an alternative, using the ancient Elohim ritual of the Hallowing we may be able to stop the decay without the aid of the Mercurians."

Faeryl's patience had run out. He is so stubborn and thick headed, she thought. "And allow the Infernals to exist? That is unacceptable! So long as they remain on Erebus they are a threat. I shall never understand your reluctance to destroy Evil. It is precisely this attitude of yours that allows Evil to prevail. You let the Octopus Overlords prosper under Tasunke's patronage. Were it not for my willingness to get my hands bloody, the Cultists would still be killing countless innocents to create Drowns. You even allowed the cruel Illians to run free while they attacked your allies, the Kuriotates. The time for tolerance has passed, Evil must be vanquished! I've had enough of your blind quest for peace, this audience is over."

Spoiler Turn details :
Year 267 - We begin construction of the Mercurian Gate in Garryvoe.

Year 268


The Overcouncil has voted to outlaw Shadow mana.

Year 272 - Faeryl Viconia has beat us to the Shrine of Sirona! That's ok, I'll just use the gold to upgrade my military.

Year 275

The Great Prophet Lita the Witch adds a piece to the Altar of Luonnotar (III)

Done researching Taxation, now going for Righteousness.

Year 279


The Overcouncil has voted to outlaw Entropy mana.

Traded Fanaticism, Iron Working and Taxation to Tebryn for Arcane Lore and Engineering.

Year 280 - Corlindale


Corlindale has joined our cause!

Year 282 - Basium

Faeryl Viconia beat us to the Mercurian Gate as well.


Basium has come through the Mercurian Gate into Erebus.


We now have clear evidence of the Infernals' presence on Erebus. The AC is at 29.

Year 283

Basium joins the Overcouncil.

Auric Ulvin has contructed the prophecy of Ragnarok. The AC is currently at 29, I'm going to have to perform the Hallowing of the Elohim at some point.

Tebryn is giving us (in other words we demanded) his Fire Mana, Sugar and Sheep.

Year 286

Trading our Silk to Jonas for his Fish.

Traded Arcane Lore, Engineering and 55 gold to Jonas for Feral Bond and Righteousness.

Now researching Commune with Nature.

Acheron the Red Dragon has been killed.
I'm confused. Does following the Empyrean enable the Undercouncil, or is that Council of Esus? Are those two the one and the same? Or, does Emyprean enable Overcouncil?

Anyways, nice update. If Auric Ulvin releases Hyborem, and manages to hit Luonnatars (or whatever Inquisitors are), then you'll have a problem. However, he seems somewhat backward at this point.
Auric Ulvin cannot summon Hyborem, because Auric cannot adopt a religion.
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