Landlubber has been antagonizing me, so I'll roleclaim, then explain more about why.
My ability is based around protecting the President. Another person and I got the same role PM, and we alternate night-by-night serving as both limited cops and limited doctors. The cop part is that we can scan to see if someone's the President. If they are, we'll protect them. I chose sprig as a welcome-back present, and turns out he was the President and he was targeted by mafia on that specific night. My PG is to find my parents (but I'm not quite sure how to do that
Landlubber apparently says that my role is like 'swiss cheese', in that it has a lot of holes. Landlubber also repeatedly says that there's a quicktopic that he's a part of that would love to hear my swiss-cheese-like roleclaim. Landlubber also previously revealed to me that he is a bus driver, a character that can switch to targets, and claims that he is responsible for protecting sprig on night one.
I don't want the innocents being run by an Aristocracy, so I suggest landlubber and his friends back off, because I still have to find my parents. And I don't want landlubber running the whole show.
In truth, I would rather have him vig killed or lynched than just backing off me.