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  • HEY! A couple of NESes died, so I have time free! Been some time since I actually played a game moded by you, so I am eager to taste this brand first hand. Any suggestions based on my playing style?
    Sorry i keep bugging about your system in your NES. If you are accepting of opinions and suggestions and stuff, i'll say my opinion. If you don't want to hear it, i'll play whatever your choice is and shut my pie-hole. Also, i won't argue with you once you've made a decision. Notice i didn't say not'n about the tech once you decided on the three techs per turn rule... i just went with it and planned some collaborations (if you can't beat 'em- might as well join 'em right?).

    So all to say, hope i ain't annoying you too much...
    Lulz even harder when they realize Artillery doesn't go high enough to hit it; watch as they destroy their own nation.

    Besides, its called carrying enough fuel for a two way trip.
    Step 1. Declare War on Russia/Commies (Who we'll say controls all of Europe sans Britian)

    Step 2. Send Reverents to Europe

    Step 3. Watch as easily refuelable fighters completely dominate the skies, and Reverents bomb the **** out of the infanstructure

    Step 4. Land ground troops.

    Step 5. Crush Commies
    So, what you're saying is that Giant Death Robots are okay, that massive engineered clone armies are okay, but a plane the size of Lower Manhattan isn't? I would find the plane to be the most realistic of the 3...
    If you aren't sure what you want to Moderate, i have been dying for the longest time to play in a 1000AD historical NES.
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