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  • Mmm. I finally got to finish Ace Combat Zero, that last levels lighting is just a nightmare to fly through. You playin anything or just working?
    I'll be honest. I used to spite you in the past (no offense) but now I'm coming around and seeing the good. You should come to fifty chat some time
    oh but since you like star wars I can play Empire at War with you online if you have that one. I also have the expansion pack if that means anything
    Ah, fair enough. If it means anything though, whenever I play with someone from CFC I always insist we be on the same side plus I'm not that great myself, so if you're worried about losing to me, that's at least two reasons why that can't happen :p.
    I've actually got plenty of time. Decided to do my Dissertation on the movement. Whenever you get home just shoot me a message. Thanks man!
    so wait you quit #nes because it "sucks" so you could post long tryhard posts about why buttcoin is dumb? i am offended
    I remember a while ago you talked a lot about the Basmachi. I was wondering if you had any reading on them to recommend?
    You are a total shoe-in for academia if this is what passes for thinking nowadays.
    How do I become a god of history like you? Sometimes it's hard to believe you aren't some old, bored professor somewhere.
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