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  • *at some point

    Yes, we need an upgrade pack for at least 1500k. We should ask for more because the mods have the habit-cum-kneejerk response of automatically renegotiating. ATTICUS, LUETKO TÄTÄ?

    So, you have only one subdivision, the kunta? Who chooses the local ruling authorities? I must know all this if I'm to participate in the task of governing Finlandija.

    A couple sidenotes: Why does Pohjanmaa have such a name if it's only halfway through the country?
    Vera Jordanova is a good example of what benefits the incorporation of Russian population elements to the Finnish collective can bring.
    But, more land! Think of all you could do! More water! More saunas! Atticus once told me of a long (300km.) journey he undertook, now he could go on even longer trips of 350 km.! Perhaps even 400, if he's feeling a little light-headed.

    Your wealth has rendered you indifferent to high culture. :shake: I like heavy metal. I like Finnish musicians. Yet, I don't like the combination. If you've been paying close attention, all the Finnish metal bands I've posted sing in Swedish or English, but hardly ever in Finnish. So, no, Nightwish is outside my range of tastes. Also, girl who came in as #2 is one of those metalhead people who dress up in black even in summer, so we'd've had to trade anyway.

    Ah, small thingy. Is Oulu part of the Swedish-speaking/influenced areas, or is it far enough to the north to be immune to the pestis sveticus infection?
    But what if the Karjalaiset want to leave Russia?

    Anyway, against all odds I won first prize which was a CD recording of Sibelius' Second Symphony played by the Lahti Symphonic Orchestra, directed by Osmo Vänskä and recorded at Ristinkirkko. Huzzah! Second place would've won me a recording of Nightwish, so it was first or bust.
    You, unlike Dachs, live in a moderately civilised country. As a sidenote, I might end up in a decent position in the harjoitukset race. Maybe logging off fiftychat actually helps. :eek:

    Actually, I could be a very good assistant/counsellor by simply providing a detailed history of 20th century Argentina and then applying that treasure trove of counterexamples to Finland.
    And Azash (my forum deity) is right. I could devise great defensive works against Russia as well as sneakily digging Karelia away from them and finally joining it into Eastern Finland. Would your government be willing to take in Orthodox Christians? Valuable supplies of vodka would very probably be incorporated along with the territory.
    I haven't ever played WoW. Can't afford it.

    I take it you don't speak any Españish, do you?
    Then it's maitoa ja tuoretta pullaa.
    Required: One box of each of those depicted in that article.

    You should visit our bakeries, you'd love the variety.
    So, have I been elected for the Finnish Parliament yet?
    Fresh water? I live right beside the widest river in the world (40 km. at our place, and it gets wiiiider nearer the sea).
    Did you just offer me coffee and a biscuit? Biscuits go with tea, it's a pretty well-known fact.

    I got stuck in the middle apparently. Should've used the accusative instead of nominative case for viina. Must fix.
    It'd be better to just include a Compose key :
    j + p: Jalkapallo
    p + k: per…
    r + p: ruotsi on…
    j + v: juodaan viinan!
    A 'viina' key would come in handy anyway.

    So, an ŋ key and an å key, the latter if only just to be able to write down the surnames of the Finlandsvenskar, š for loanwords, č for Karelians, Viina for general use… is there anything I'm missing? The rest of the slots could be used for 'foreign' letters so you don't have to switch when writing to us ulkomaalaiset.

    Apparently, today is kippispäivä and Rva. opettaja wants to motivate us by offering a prize to whichever one of us has done the most exercises from Ch. 7 of our book. I hope that everyone sticks to my plan of doing nothing at all so we are all tied for first place and all get a prize. Maybe free beer at the kippis.
    But Å/å is used in Swedish words and Swedish is still an official language of the country.

    The other letters… what'd you use their slots for? ŋ is only one. Oh, I've just remembered that the old (Scandinavian) Runic alphabet had an 'ŋ' rune. This was left out when the latinisation of the script took place.
    Months? It's easy, stick some word before 'kuu' and the basic principle is covered. (mon=moon, incidentally, it's just an older spelling).

    But what's the problem? You have the same characters except for the š and the č (and the later is only used in Karelian as far as I know).
    Ah, I've tried the 'Finnish' keyboard settings and there're ä and ö keys. I'm used to diacritics and have the keyboard set on Spanish (to use all accents: ´`^) and sometimes switch it to Croatian, as it has these: šđžć. Nifty, eh?
    The players have feet. Haven't you watched a film called 'Metegol'?

    btw it's cocoa. Coco is the dress designer.
    Then you get a set of table football, warm blankets, lots of cocoa and have away at it.
    Post #1641.

    Try 'Kuudan Yö'. I think it's by Tekniset.

    I attended class yesterday eventually. What is the difference between nyt and jo?
    In the football thread.

    I fear that discussing the merits of the combination of Loiri+Edelmann to which I was introduced by Hra. Atticus is out of the question then, unfortunately.

    Hmmm. Potku munille it is then -it is remarkable what one can learn at!

    You don't like Loiri's music? Not even the parts he took seriously instead of Turhapuuroly? For shame. For shame. :shake:
    It was my posting V-M. Loiri's song that woke you up, I know it. Or maybe the guilt over playing such an inferior game as Civ 5 instead of Civ III.

    Evil opettaja is evil and wants me to conjugate 16 verbs as homework for tomorrow.

    Is 'muni' used for 'testicle', by any chance?
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