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Tani Coyote
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  • You should know by now that mentioning the word Pope, Italy and subjugate in the same post tugs at some cosmic force that immediately compels me to investigate even if I am not consciously aware of the ill-intent :p
    I have a essay hand in tomarrow; so hence why details have been... slow for the League.

    What ever the case Friday I may have time to do some extra, extra details. That or Thusday evening...
    On religion; the League of Peace and Power's Great Law of Peace practically guarantees freedom of religion. The spiritual consideration will need to be counted.

    The Haudenosaunee faith and religious policy will prove interesting... ;)
    Sonic with blue arms. I thought I'd come online just to tell you. Be careful with the pics, they might prove painful.
    As before I will preach a IOT to you, this time of Sone's creation: the time of conspiracies is upon us as we of the Knight Templar serve in the Lord's name against the sinful!
    Welcome to the game. :)

    Remember to join the UN; you may also find the IFTL benefiting to join.

    There is also the ICO but progress has been... silent, outside the Platonic Republic being the first hosts of the renewed Olympics... when it finally arrives.

    Speaking of the Platonics: we will eventually need to arrange our economic deals. You may find contracts with us benefiting, especially with the construction of the Olympic venue, the renewing of Thessaloniki, our development in Thorium, our desire to touch robotics and (of course) are mass selling copies of Plato's The Republic.

    While we may not see eye to eye politically we will see each other... pragmatically, especially since my war with Japan means we are going to need to increase my industrial development.
    Province wise maybe but the economic and military scales are less discriminative, especially demonstrated by Indonesia. Even province is no notion to overcome with difficulty, for many nations are committing their points to operations like Vietnam. Your neutrality can make you ironically quite a large empire indeed.
    With an old school veteran entering IOTXIV your absense is coming more notable. I know you tend to only join games by Sonereal but I would state it is in your interest to try out IOTXIV... especially as their is profit to be made from the divisions set, especially between the Platonics and Indonesia, the Platonics and the UAR, the Platonics and its own ally Rome, Japan and the World, along with China and Korea. Your tendency to be neutral has... its usefulness in IOTXIV.

    Do join, particularly for the... chaos.
    Please, PLEASE, I am playing this game with the exact same mod every week. I need it. I want to play as germany for once. that ing idiot, that Agung Pasha or whatever his name is, who mixed up the Germyian and Germany tags, he should have seen this coming, but you solved it! YOU DID IT MAN. You HAVE to remember. You can't forget it when you're the only one in the whole wide world who fixed it! PLEASE.
    friendly reminder that I still need you to tell me the method you sued to solve the EU2 AGCEEP MyMap country tag issue.
    awww cmon, you're the only person in human history who managed to fix that ! I want to form Germany but I don't know how! All I know is that some vital events for the formation of Germany have the wrong tag ( attributed to the Anatolian nation of Germyian) , but I don't know what is Germany's tag, which events are wrong and where to find those events.
    remember this? http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=322075
    At the ebginning of the thread you said you fixed the mod to make the forming of Germany real, ebcause original coding was wrong and it wasn't possible. If you remember, could you please tell me how? I'm actually playing the same game with the same mod for 4 years now and i still don't know how to do it.
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