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Apep's Modular Modmods: AltCivics for FfH 2016-10-05

This is a modified set of civics for the great Fall from Heaven mod (as of version 0.34). Attention: this release is a new version, fully compatibile with last version of FfH.

Major changes:
- new civic option: Magocracy (+2 free experience, +2 science for specialist, +1 happy with mage guild, medium upkeep, required to build Runeguard unit).
- Runeguard unit: melee, with Guardsman and Earth II promotions (allows stoneskin spell), strength 6, only 4 units allowed for each player; great for protecting your mages.
- Aristocracy civic renamed to Feudal Contract, moved up in research tree and significantly empowered (req tech: feudalism, -100% distance maintenance, +1 gold on farms, still able to recruit royal guard, upkeep low).
- new civic option: Enlightenment (placed in Compassion, an "opposite" to Sacrifice the Weak, available only to Empyrean; +100% GP in cities with state religion, +25% culture, + happy for courthouse and elder council, high upkeep).
- new civic option: Manipulation (placed in Compassion, available only to Council of Esus civs; +3 happy in largest cities, +1 happy with state religion, -50% war weariness).
- Republic empowered and not causing disorder in nations without it (+50% GP rate, +3 happy in largest cities, +20% culture, +1 gold in village, town and enclave, medium upkeep).
- better Foregin Trade (+50% gold from trade routes, +1 free trade route, +10% culture, low upkeep).
- better balanced Agrarianism (+1 health, +1 food in farms, pastures, villages and towns, -1 gold in villages, -2 gold in towns and enclaves).

Other modifications:
- Guilds labor civic made for moneygrubbers (only merchant as unlimited specialist, but +15% gold empirewide).
- Nationhood giving happiness also for stables and archery ranges.
- Social Order gives some free upkeep units (one in 20 pop points, but still something).
- Caste System doesn't give unhappiness.
- Arete allows free Engineers.
First release
Last update
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