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  1. P

    A Question

    i HAVEN'T BUYED CIV iii YET i SAW there are patches for problems of the game should I wait for a version that includes those patches or I can buy it ....because the game is playable the same?:(
  2. P

    Civ III

    I 'm still waiting for it!!! is it worth???? better than what we dreamed about??:confused:
  3. P

    The russian fire power screenshot

    I hope that the map I saw was not the europe ......I could'nt even recognise my country....:eek:
  4. P


    wich is the better configuration sistem for playng civ iii perfectly??
  5. P


    what about religion in civIII thepopulatioyou control could follow several kind of religions and the most important could be a problem or an advantage for the government as for a fundamentalism or a persecution (if people refuse to go war .....hig costs for military units ..) Is in civII...
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    the end year

    When will the game stop ? in 2020 or we will be able to go bweyond this date and develop more tecs???
  7. P

    MAsters of orion III

    does anyone have ever played MOOI or II ?? now is the time of the III!!!!
  8. P

    who likes the units att/def/move points?

    do you al like how firaxis decided the points for the units ...I think that a chariot with a 1/1/2 is useless and i think that an elephant with 4/4/2 is too sthrong!
  9. P


    the fundamentalistic governmant will not be in the civ III if I understood it well but we will be able to simulate one? :confused:
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    16 civs at once

    in the page: ASK THE CIV TEAM - 10/19/01 EDITION I read this ...... Depending on the map size you select, you may play with up to 16 Civs at once. The foreign advisor screen will only display eight civs at a time, however, so you can hold shift & right click on any of the eight slots on...
  11. P

    what is the difference between ....

    what is the difference between ....Pre-order Collector's Edition and Pre-order Standard Edition and what is Pre-order the Official Strategy Guide? SzJz3f
  12. P

    change the special units

    how will you change by code ......all of the special units..... may be we can make it in order to change all of them the same way if we aren't sutisfied by them...!!! legion chinese rider egyptian war chariot jaguar warrior babil. bowman hoplite etc...
  13. P

    indian elephant

    don't you think that the indian war elephant is too srtong in defence???
  14. P

    other civ leaders

    Do you think that firaxis will later on put in commerce an expansion with ...may be other civ leaders to use for scenarios together with new 3d units and civs ?? to fill up the requests of all the civ funs???
  15. P


    I have one question : WHy Iroquoise civ has been considered more important than Inca , maya or even viking spanish arab or somethingelse???
  16. P

    Who wants a France map

    I haven't been able to see the map listed in the down. section so if anyone is intrested explain me how to do because the submission didn't work ....may be ...
  17. P

    Specific culture wonders

    If They put new specific units why not wonders or improvements ..... Doesn't souds strange a Japaneese colosseum?
  18. P


    This is the title of the scenario I'm creating is anyone intrested in it?? and How to submit it to the listing??
  19. P

    Celtic wars in france

    I'm preparing an historical scenario for fantastic worlds version everything is working fine but I have a question for you: WHY I CAN't put the title gif I've found on internet while all the others from other scenarios do work The picture is about 200 k And why I've posted a new France map...
  20. P

    special units

    for everyone I invite each of you from different country to write down a list of a special units for each of your country or favorite civs for each era just for fun in the new topic "Special units" They could be different even only in name and shape for example an indian war elephant could be...
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