• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. N

    Quitting NESing

    Just making it official. I am quitting all of my NESes. You people have abused me for far too long.
  2. N

    A Hypothetical Case

    I've posted this one before, but I'm going to post it here in order to contrast the reactions. It's a hypothetical about what you would do if you were one of the judges of a War Crimes Tribunal in the fictional case. ------------------- Meta-Scenario: A Federal country, Maristan, has a...
  3. N

    Humanity needs to grow up!

    Human beings in general are a lot more childish than they realise, and given modern circumstances are unable to break out of it. Let me outline. First, it is childish to be dependent on another, rather than able to support oneself. However, as most people realise on some level but ignore, we...
  4. N

    Chapter a Person Story Version II

    Like before, but no commentary this time. Rules: -Try to do your best given your capabilities, though I don't think something like this is worth more than half an hour's work tops. -Can use OOC to discuss developments -Each chapter must be at least five three-line paragraphs -Final...
  5. N

    NevNES 2- Age of Time Travel

    Backstory: The Great Ideology War just finished. Tens of billions died and hundreds of trillions erased (if you count the people who only existed on one iteration of the timeline) in a war of time travel and spacecraft far too convoluted to be comprehensible. Passions had run high for the...
  6. N

    Chapter a Person Story

    Given "Draw Your Own Story" is here, I figured this would work here as well. If anyone's interested, they can add a chapter and we can see how it goes. Rules: -Try to do your best given your capabilities, though I don't think something like this is worth more than half an hour's work tops...
  7. N

    Why can't I send PMs?

    I used to have an account here and I've seen references to it lately so I know it's possible to send Private Messages, but it seems my new account can't. My best guess is that I need a certain number of posts, but I don't know that- could somebody who does know what the solution is tell me?
  8. N

    Can there be a rational morality about God?

    This began as what is probably a derailment of a thread about what to do about the Gaza Strip (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=306786)- part of it ended up as an argument about the topic in the thread title. The argument continues here. (Join in if you want) This is like blind...
  9. N

    The Existence of God: What would it take

    From what I know of this forum, most people on it probably don't believe in God. Since hypotheticals have been posted on this forum before, I decided to put the following question: -If you don't believe in (the Christian) God, what would it take for you to change your mind? Conversly, if you do...
  10. N

    NevNES- A New World

    This is meant to be a sucessor to VertNES, although it is simpler in design. The idea is basically that of a freeform RPG- you create a character, and then can do what you like with it. Actions: Actions (I'd put 'combat' but social actions can be as useful) will be modded by me using a...
  11. N

    Pre-NevNES- A New World

    I have decided to experiment with making a game in the manner of VertNES- Worlds of Altor. One of it's primary features, if one under-utilised, was customisation- that people could design new classes, guilds, settlements, and so on. I have decided to experiment with the creation of a...
  12. N

    Mafia: Balance of Agendas

    Rules: (Based off choxorn's rules) -Unlimited players, the more the better. - 1 mafia per 6-7 players. - Sign-ups last for slightly longer then 3 days (At 1:10 A.M GMT Thursday 26 June, I will start) - Night will last 24 hours. - At night, the mafia send in their kill to the GM (me)...
  13. N

    What era should the Dynasties NES be in?

    EDIT: OOPS, there should been a poll here. Could the mods delete this?
  14. N

    Poll: What era should the Dynasties NES be in?

    Ancient- Allows for a more Fresh Start type NES, allowing players more customisation. Roman- Has the advantage that dynasties can struggle for the throne, and more influence for non-ruler players. Feudal- Allows for more feudal intriuge if the focus is there (which it hasn't been in any...
  15. N

    Poll: What NES should I do?

    The options are the following: 1- A Cultures and Nations OR Cultures NES. Unlike most Culture NESes, it would continue through history, and emphasise play as the culture, not the nation. From a Nation perspective, it would be a normal NES. 2- Rome NES. The players would be military...
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