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  1. E

    Playing a game with 34 Civilizations & 41 Citystates???

    Hi, yes as the title say, is there any mods that give the option to play with 34 Civilizations & 41 Citystates or are there a guide somewhear on how to fix it? Wold love to play on an earth map with 34 civs and 41 citystates placed in there correct locations or just on a random map for that...
  2. E

    City state setteling

    Is there any mod or any guide on how to gett the city states to settle more than one town? I do relise that they only have one city name but it wold probably be possible to add more?
  3. E


    Ok my question was if there is any mod that makes you be able to play with more than 22 civs in one game? Or anyone know how to change this?
  4. E

    More civs in one game 22+

    Any one know of sutch a mod that alows you to add more than 22+ civs?(citystates dose not cont here :P). Or do any one know about a mod of that nature in progres?
  5. E

    Leader heads?

    Have anyone figured out if its possible to replace the leederheads with one image instead, for when making a new civilization?
  6. E

    Map editor, conquered capitals from start?

    Ok so my idea was to create a scenario where some of the factions in the game already had lost there last town(the capital), as Ive seen that you can liberate capitals in a normal game and bring factions back to the game. However I do not know how to do this in the map editor(world builder)...
  7. E

    22+ civs in one game without citystates?

    Ok now that we are getting more and more new civs from the comunity to play with and the original game only holds 22 places for civs it wold be useful with a mod that extends that. For players who might whant to play with the original 18 civs + all of the player made ones in one game. So my...
  8. E

    18+ civs?

    Was just thinking if you can play Gold 4.0 with the XXL mod or any other mod that makes you be abel to use more than 18 civs in one game?
  9. E

    Kind of embarasing :/

    :blush: Eh I made my own map of Europe and I was almost about to be done when I just hapened to save that game over with a new one...can any one tell me what I can do to get it back? or is it not posible?:blush:
  10. E

    Help adding/removing

    Can any one explaine how to add or remove civs from already made maps? Thanks for any answers :)
  11. E

    Earth +-?

    I Didnt now wher I shold put this question so I put it hear. I was thinking about Adding some civs 2 the 6 civs Earth map that is in the game when you by it, so is ther anyone that can help me?:confused: Is ther some way you can change the amount of civs in an already made map?
  12. E

    BTS, 18 civ Europe-Custom

    Im loking for (15) players, that is interested in a (Marathon/normal) game on a huge Europe map.(this is my first online game) GAME: Lenght - ? Size - Huge civs - 18 CIVS, leder & players: Swedish Empire (Fredrick) - Erik_3E Danish Empire (victoria) - N/A Norwegian Empire (Ragnar)...
  13. E

    CPU for Civ 4

    I`m son going to by a new CPU (Packard Bell iXtreme J9422) do you think that my civilization vanilla and BTS will run smothly on it? or do you rekomend any other computer?
  14. E


    Just made this post for fun to se if ther is any one that plays 34+ civs in a game and if anyone likes it:D
  15. E


    I have 3 questions 1. if I download a new Nation say (sweden) do I have to remove a nother one or can you add as many civs as you whant? 2. what dose Module/modular means? 3. in the Civ4 - Creation & Customization it usaualy stands modul and modular and on some civs it dosent stand that is...
  16. E

    Pls help me Im very new to Civ

    I have 3 questions 1. if I download a new civ do I have to remove a nother one or can you add as many civs as you whant? 2. what dose Module/modular means? 3. in the Civ4 - Creation & Customization it usaualy stands modul and modular and on some civs it dosent stand that is ther any...
  17. E

    Cool Screenshots!

    I that I wold do this thred for every one that whants to show of whith ther civ 4 skills:) . On this thred you can post your screenshots that you think lok Cool or if you whant to show of whith your best civ game ever;) . But dont:nono: post any funny screenshots hear, for that you got the...
  18. E

    Ragnar Lodbrok

    I love civ 4 and think it is the best:) game ever but I only have one complaint and that is whith Ragnar:( what is upp whith the horns, every one now that vikings realy dident have horns, at least every one in Sweden :D
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