• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. H

    Upgrading Units - makes no sense to me.

    Why is it that if I wish to update a Longbowman to a Redcoat (or whatever) it costs me exactly the same as a musketeer to Redcoat does? I can understand the much older unit being more expensive to do, but why should the cost be the same for a much more advanced unit to get the upgrade?
  2. H

    A Disturbing trend has recently struck my games.......

    How's this for unlucky..... For the last 3 games I have started, on each & every one of them I have had my second city murdered by a comet strike the turn after a solar flare event! What's your most unlucky run?
  3. H

    Better Disasters mod - does this exist?

    Is there a 'Disasters' mod that can do the following, please? 1 - Adds Earthquakes, Tornadoes & Tsunamis? 2 - Removes the ridiculous CO2 causing insane flooding mechanic?
  4. H

    How do I 'Biopsy Alien Remains'?

    Cannot move an Explorer to the location, so how is it done please?
  5. H

    Annoying Start issue

    This is really irritating and I think should be fixed if possible. When starting a new game, if I don't like the start I am given then restarting should randomly reset my starting position on the map - not just plonk me down in exactly the same place again.
  6. H

    If playing on Development Builds, where is the best place to report issues?

    I cannot seem to find anywhere to report problems - in the latest development builds I am seeing a lot of things that never usually happen (exception errors in the game, details in red text - it's telling me something about referenced objects but not sure what). It would also be helpful if there...
  7. H

    Tokuguwa - will someone please check this?

    Can someone please try the following as when I did, I got stuck in a never-ending 'Create Game' sequence where nothing happened for a full 15 minutes. Leader - Tokugawa Difficulty - Emperor Speed - Standard Map - PerfectWorld6 (the first of the 2 entries for this - see screenshot) Map Size -...
  8. H

    Okey Dokey - Why can I not actually attack the enemy?

    Please see the attached image. Why can my artillery not attack?
  9. H

    Senior Moment - WHERE do Mods go please?

    I have looked but found nothing. I have searched the forums, but all I get are results for various Civ editions. I have looked on Stea, but to no avail. How on earth do I install Mods and where do they actually go please? With Civ6, subscribe used to work - it did everything for you, but for...
  10. H

    Civ has a serious new Rival

    Has anyone else here yet heard of 'Terra Invicta' at all? I missed out on the Beta stage & Early access stage and it hit me between the eyes about a week ago. Whatever Firaxis/2K are up to had better be good, as this new kid on the block has Civ6 and Civ7 on the ropes already & it is looking...
  11. H

    New update - 18th August 2022 - any patch notes?

    Just curious about the update just installed by Steam for this. I cannot find any information about it online however.....
  12. H

    Lifespans - shurely shome mishtake here

    The default setting is meant to be the 'Nasty, Brutish & Short' setting, which may well have applied to the general population, but rarely to leaders & Nation Heads. Just look at the ages some of the Romans, Babylonians & Egyptians managed - Augustus & Tiberius both went well into their 80's, as...
  13. H

    Not exactly stable, is it!

    Windows 10, all graphics up to date. Managed to found a settlement but the moment the boat got back with new colonists, it locked up tighter than a duck's bum and had to be terminated. Trying again but it looks as if I just wasted my £2.99 on the Civ IV bundle at Steam yesterday
  14. H

    Military Units Build Bug (latest patch)

    I have a city/administrative centre with a 4-unit stack (lots of raids happening so necessary) and 2 separate Garrisons in the same city, both empty, yet I am unable to build a military unit because 'the spawn site is full' even though the GUI is clearly indicating the 2 garrisons are spawn...
  15. H

    Not sure if this is a bug or intentional - Admin Centre Upgrades query

    I think the option to upgrade the admin centres is a very nice touch, but is it a bug or deliberate that in one turn I can update every single centre attached to any city? It was a most pleasant surprise when I stacked up several in a game, expecting 5 turns to complete them all, when they all...
  16. H

    Ridiculous Map spawns

    Okay, this is now beyond daft. Map = Wetlands, Wet selected. I spawn with Tundra to the South of me and Desert to the North of me to the point I would have both Tundra and Desert in the initial City Radius. How the holy hell is that 'wetlands' please? Re-roll. Next map? Nothing but desert to my...
  17. H

    Yet another game wrecked by crashing at Turn End

    PC, Windows 10, Large map - turn end random crashing yet again (seems to be common on both W10 and the PS4 Pro) and once this has started to happen the game is totalled from this point onwards as the crashing simply gets more & more regular, yet support requests to Firaxis go completely...
  18. H

    Nasty GUI bug in latest update/DLC

    Just installed the latest patch & DLC after first uninstalling, wiping clean & reinstalling (because rolling back from the Fabius Maximus Beta broke stuff) and in the final era there is a vicious GUI bug that is so irritating I rage quit. What happened (and I will happily provide the game save)...
  19. H

    Why are PS4 Console rules different to the PC?

    To my way iof thinking it is as if there is a missing update on my PS4 installation but there is nothing uninstalled/not installed. I have all the leaders & all the NFP updates - so why are some policy cards in different places (most notably Industrial Zone Adjacency boost) and some leaders have...
  20. H

    Fabius Maximus Beta - 'Random' AI is broken

    Whilst it was great to see the option for all AI opponents to be random, it's broken as once you hit the 'Start' option after setting all to be random it shows clearly just who you will be up against this time around. Oops!
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