• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. C

    Weird graphics issue

    See picture. Why??? I get this problem about 50% of the time when I load saves. I have to quit Civ 5 BNW, and reload everything, and hope for the best. Also, sometimes the textures are really messed up on leaders scenes (though turning the quality down seems to help with that). Is this a...
  2. C

    Screenshot Function

    Looking at the keyboard shortcuts in the manual, I was disappointed to see there is no screenshot function apparently. I really appreciated it in Civ 4. That being the case, can anyone recommend a free program to capture screenshots and automatically save them while in game? Hitting...
  3. C

    Possible Issue with 1 unit per tile - allies getting in your way.

    I just realized that with the switch to 1upt, we may have an old problem rear it's head once again. In previous Civs (2, 3?) I believe, you couldn't share a tile with another civ's unit, even if you were at peace. This could occasionally be really annoying if an AI got in your way. With the new...
  4. C

    New Interview from E3 - Spoony Experiment

    See it right here (should be near the top on this main page for a while). http://spoonyexperiment.com/ No gameplay footage. I didn't really catch anything new. Except that it sounds like you do still choose where to build roads, what tiles. That you don't just say [road between X city...
  5. C

    Leonard Nimoy Evolution Intro Movie in BtS?

    Hey, I really liked when you started a game in vanilla Civ IV, and it would play the intro movie with Nimoy's voiceover showing man's evolution. How could one mod this in so that it would play when starting a game in Beyond the Sword (using the Better BUG AI mod in particular). I haven't had...
  6. C

    [Pir] Question about fleet speed on world map

    By the world map, I mean the Caribbean (not in battle mode). Two questions. 1. Do the various ships' speeds affect their speed on the world map like they do in battle? I'm fairly sure the answer is yes. 2. If the answer to that question is yes... Does only the flagship's speed matter in...
  7. C

    Human vassals of AI

    It's always bugged me the option for the human player to capitulate or peacefully become a vassal to the AI is not an option. AIs make other AIs their vassal, so why not you too. You could accept the protection of a friendly neighbor if you're concentrating on a cultural win. Or, if you are...
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