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  1. R

    Road cutting...

    I am tired of messing around with Shaka. From now on, when he is my neighbor, I am going to plot to kill him from turn #1. Today, he built a city far from his capital to jam me and get the copper. He then had workers build a long road to connect this city to his capital. I sent two war...
  2. R

    Road Rage!

    Here is a little tactical trick I have been using lately. Ghandi was jamming be with an early city next to my border. The cultural border of this city does not meet his other nearest city. He sent workers to build a road between these two cities. I sent a War Chariot to destroy this road...
  3. R

    Super-early WC rush...

    I am experimenting with an unconventional early War Chariot rush strategy. I absolutely hate Capac. Unless he gets crappy geography, he is always a pain in the neck. So, I decided to tech AH and immediately build a couple War Chariots and declare on him. No stack. Just a couple WC's to...
  4. R

    2-civ continent games...

    When you share a large continent with just one other civilization, I think some strategic adjustments are required. Let's talk about that. In my current Immortal game, it is just me and Hannibal on a very large continent. Lots of land for both of us. I decided to found Confucianism via...
  5. R

    Fake Wars

    I hate this kind of crap. Julius C. declared on Mao even though we are all Confucians. They would each have to pass through my territory to do combat. This so-called "war" goes on for a few hundred years without either of the even TRYING to do any combat. Then J.C. asks me to join his "war"...
  6. R

    Gallic Warrior: Best strategy?

    I tried my hand at warmongering with Gallic Warriors. Ghandi was right next door with only Archers. Gallic Warriors absolutely crushed his Archers even with 50% cultural defenses. Impressive. I could never do that with War Chariots. Unfortunately, Cyrus unexpectedly attacked me as I was...
  7. R

    Gallic Warrior: Best strategy?

    I tried my hand at warmongering with Gallic Warriors. Ghandi was right next door with only Archers. Gallic Warriors absolutely crushed his Archers even with 50% cultural defenses. Impressive. I could never do that with War Chariots. Unfortunately, Cyrus unexpectedly attacked me as I was...
  8. R

    How to use Gallic Warriors?

    I tried my hand at warmongering with Gallic Warriors. Ghandi was right next door with only Archers. Gallic Warriors absolutely crushed his Archers even with 50% cultural defenses. Impressive. I could never do that with War Chariots. Unfortunately, Cyrus unexpectedly attacked me as I was...
  9. R

    Stalled War Chariot rush...

    In my current Immortal game I did a very early rush on Roosevelt to cut off his access to copper. I then used War Chariots to take all of his cities except Washington, D.C. He has 7 Archers defending and I have only 8 WC's remaining in 6 cities. What now? Options: 1. Keep making WC's...
  10. R

    City placement question...

    I am at a critical point in my current Immortal game, and need advice. The immediate question is where to put my third city. That is related to the more general question: "When trying to block territory from an opponent, is the area in Screenshot #1 not worth it?" I can put a city there...
  11. R

    Rags the wimp!

    I don't often start wars, but Roosevelt was really jamming me, so I declared war. I quickly got it down to War Chariots vs. Archers. I pillaged all his cities and decided to continue my development so that I could finish Pyramids. Ragnar is at the other end of the continent and claims he is...
  12. R

    City placement question...

    I am going to try to win my first Isolation/Island game at Immortal. One of my weaknesses is city placement, so I would like some advice. Where would you put two cities on this attached screen shot? I am thinking the green box for one of them, and the other just north of the pigs. Also, I...
  13. R

    Have you ever seen this?

    So here is the story for the attached screen shot. Early in the game, Ragnar walks his Settler through my territory, and settles here. When I finally get enough cultural pressure on him to flip, Victoria posts 12 units in the city. What's up with this? The only thing I can figure is that...
  14. R

    City placement quiz....

    This is the first time I have even had the opportunity for a 4-elephant city at Immortal, and I can't decide where to put the city. Check the attached screenshot and the two blue circles that the software suggests. I would normally prefer the coast, but I get two mines and pigs by settling...
  15. R

    Very annoyed!

    I have a culture question (playing Warlords at Immortal level,if that matters): Does the AI get some kind of automatic extra culture bonus with each city? In my current game I had the rare opportunity to build Pyramids in Memphis while building Great Lighthouse in Thebes. Fabulous start. So...
  16. R

    Immortal game -- need strategy help!

    My latest Immortal game was a dismal failure. I pulled the plug on it around 1000AD. Here was the problem: It was the combination of other civs on the continent plus the shape of the continent. It is a LONG, but relatively narrow continent. I am at one end, then a LONG distance away is...
  17. R

    Open borders question...

    In my current Immortal game, I am on a large continent. Known neighbors so far include: Masa Musa (founded Hinduism) Brennus (founded Buddism) Shaka A. Caesar They have all sent scouts to my area, but I still have no clear idea yet how their empires are situated from me geographically...
  18. R

    Capac Immortal cultural win.

    With a financial leader I decided to try a different path to cultural victory. I did not shut down the science slider after Liberalism and run culture slider at 100%, which is the conventional approach. Instead, I teched to Democracy and switched to Universal Suffrage to money rush the rest of...
  19. R

    How do you play Ragnar?

    After 3 months of playing Ramesses nonstop and finally getting my second win at Immortal, I am ready for a change. I have played around with Ragnar a few times in the past, but now I want to give him a serious try. It is very hard transitioning from Ramesses to Rags, because they have such...
  20. R

    City placement question...

    I attached a screenshot. As you can see, the computer is recommending that I place cities at the 2 circles. Is that what you would do? Since I play for Cultural Victory, I normally pick the sites for my 3 Legendary city candidates and then fill in around them for my other cities. So...
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