Gallic Warrior: Best strategy?

Nov 27, 2008
Sequim, WA
I tried my hand at warmongering with Gallic Warriors. Ghandi was right next door with only Archers. Gallic Warriors absolutely crushed his Archers even with 50% cultural defenses. Impressive. I could never do that with War Chariots.

Unfortunately, Cyrus unexpectedly attacked me as I was half-way done with Ghandi. Is that just bad luck, or does this often happen when Brennus does early rushes at Immortal level?

Today, I had my fourth Cultural Victory at Immortal with Rammesses, so I decided to try one of my rare efforts at warmongering. I'd like to hear from some of you guys who play Brennus regularly. I really don't have the feel for him yet, but the general strategy would seem to beeline to Iron and go slaughter somebody. Right?
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