• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. Captain Fargle

    Peaceful Culture Seems Impossible?

    If anyone else on the map is also going for a cultural victory it seems like it's completely impossible to win without destroying them. The amount of tourism you can generate is so low compared to the amount that they get in their defense that unless you're lucky enough to get enough land to...
  2. Captain Fargle

    Something that REALLY bothers me

    Mid way through Civ 5's life Firaxis removed "The" from most of the wonder names and it's something that they appear to have carried over to Civ 6. So instead of it being called "The Hanging Gardens" it's just "Hanging Gardens". Why? Why did they do that? It's a complete mangling of English...
  3. Captain Fargle

    Captain Fargle's Civ 5 LP's

    Hi! I'm Fargle and for a while now I've been doing some Civ 5 LP's. The videos have been going up daily for the most part and I now have several finished games up on my channel. I'll post the first episode of each game here along with a link to the playlists. Check them out if you're...
  4. Captain Fargle

    Kwisatz Haderach Willem van Oranje (VLP)

    dWVI66IEOXE I've started an LP over here on my Youtube channel in which my buddy Alkydere from the Something Awful forums and I show off why The Dutch are actually the very best of the Civs for exploiting Desert. I'll putting up episodes daily until the LP is completed with other LP's to come...
  5. Captain Fargle

    Balanced Civ Lineup for TSL?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBdl8YVFK4o In this interview with BAStart Ed talks about how the popularity of TSL games in Civ 5 has made them give a lot more consideration to it when developing Civ 6, INCLUDING the selection of Civs for the game! (South America in particular being hinted...
  6. Captain Fargle

    The Chronicles Of (Insert Civ Here) Pt1

    Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome one and all to a newbies desperate attempt to improve his Civ 4 game without having to accept even more losses on Warlord difficulty. :blush: Thus I plan to begin a series of epic threads in the manner of Sisiutil's ALC series which so far has proved incredibly...
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