• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. gunnergoz

    Can someone explain to a dense old gheezer...

    howinheck I'm supposed to figure out the excess stability for my cities? I can't make heads or tails out of the information I read under the stability part of the city UI. It changes turn to turn but I've not yet figured out what the various numbers actually mean in terms of how much more...
  2. gunnergoz

    Maybe my biggest gripe about the game is...

    ...ithe fact that I'm never settled upon just who I am, and who my people are. It is like attending a costume party where everyone changes disguises every 15 minutes: "I'm sorry - who are you again, and who are you supposed to be?" I love many aspects of the game but this part just somehow does...
  3. gunnergoz

    How about some more governors?

    When I go wide I'm frustrated by the lack of governors. Sure, there's a mod to add duplicates but I'd like something more...ordinary. Lackluster, even. What I'm suggesting is to have a variety of "default" governors who are perhaps not as stellar as the existing ones, but are adequate to bring...
  4. gunnergoz

    [R&F] Need help removing mod

    This mod shows up as subscribed but there is insufficient information to identify it, either on the game's mod menus or from the windows explorer mods folder. I googled this using the information and could find no reference to a "lazydave" mod for Civ 6. None show up in the workshop listing in...
  5. gunnergoz

    Conjecture on the next game - Civ 7?

    Looking at the timeline on the Civ franchise on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_(series) I got to thinking that we might be seeing the next iteration of Civilization in the next year or so. Just a suspicion, mind you, and perhaps just wishful thinking. I'm guessing in 2021...
  6. gunnergoz

    Smaller than Cities: suburb, production & town districts

    Hoping this inspires some mod maker(s) because I'd love to play with this idea enacted in the game. Imagine you could build a special kind of "splinter district," perhaps limited to 2 or 3 per each city, that allows you to create a "town district" outside of the city's 3-tile radius borders...
  7. gunnergoz

    How do YOU play Civ different from anyone else?

    Want to start a dialog. I'm looking for ideas, inspiration, imagination. Different ways to play to freshen the experience. For example, reducing numbers of civs on a given map to make more space. Rule sets you might impose upon your play to make you feel different about the game, limit or expand...
  8. gunnergoz

    Lost Civilization(s)

    After some mod problems I thought I got the game stable again however I see now that the new Canadian and Maori civilizations are not appearing in the selection list. They were there before, gone now. I deleted the offending mod files but that did not help. Verified files and am consistently...
  9. gunnergoz

    No Rise & Fall improvements for Civ6 UI?

    I've tried to figure out if there have been significant improvements to the game UI. I see from R&F gameplay videos that there are new elements, but overall it seems to be the same kludgey mess that it is in vanilla Civ 6. Clearly CQUI still has a place but I worry that the mod will again...
  10. gunnergoz

    How to add economic policy slot to mod civilization

    Anyone know how I can add an economic slot to a modded civilization? I tried cutting and pasting text similar to that used for the wildcard slot for the Greeks, but it does not do anything.
  11. gunnergoz

    Mod Request: Add a policy slot to any civ

    I'd like to experiment with civs by trying some out with optional extra policy slot to start with. In particular I'd like to have an extra economic slot for any civ I start the game as. Is it possible to create such a mod? Alternately, if nothing else, I'd like to learn how to add such an extra...
  12. gunnergoz

    Why can AI attack my city states with impunity?

    It disappoints me that there is no dialog in the diplomatic part of the game to discuss and complain about other civs attacking city states I have an interest in or to which I am Suzerain. You would think this would be present but it seems not to be. All you can do is declare war and that is...
  13. gunnergoz

    Any modder interested in seriously nerfing religious units?

    I'm not into the religious game very much & just turning off religious victory does not seem to keep AI from spamming religious units all over the place. I don't mind some religious activity on the map, just not a mindless horde of it. Any modder interested in making a simple mod that seriously...
  14. gunnergoz

    Need some guidance w/religious units

    I've avoided the religious side of VI so far. Can someone kindly explain to me how to properly use the religious units? I get that you spread with missionaries, but the finer points of how to best use the other two units, apostles & inquisitors, seems to escape me. A few words of guidance &...
  15. gunnergoz

    How to prevent AI from attacking my Suzerain CS's?

    Am I missing something or is there no way in the early game to warn the AI civs to not attack the City States that I'm suzerain to, i.e. those most important to me? It seems all I can do is declare war on the AI's and sometimes I'd rather just try to bluff them or bully them away without...
  16. gunnergoz

    Firaxis: Can the religious side of the game get a re-do?

    I'm loving Civ VI to the point I have almost 280 hours on it so far but the fly in my soup is the religious game. It just does not click for me. I find the entire affair too busy and annoyingly the map fills up with religious units to the point that you can hardly move around at times. I think a...
  17. gunnergoz

    Ever capture a land unit at sea and not be able to move it?

    This happened to me in one game. I killed off a barbarian galley that had captured someone's floating settler unit. The settler converted to mine. But then I could not move it whatsoever. Finally I tried moving another land unit onto the water, went over to the settler and paired them up. I...
  18. gunnergoz

    Civ Vi Manual is up on Steam

    FWIW the manual is up and at over 150 pages it's actually not bad. Have an hour to burn before game unlocks so guess what I'll be reading...
  19. gunnergoz

    Auto Cycling of Units must be optional

    Ample evidence exists in preview streams of Civ VI that auto cycling feature is an impediment to smooth play. Even lead game designer Ed Beach got burned by it during this week's live stream. The game cannot be allowed to dictate what units we move next. Feature must be able to be turned off or...
  20. gunnergoz

    Idea seed: Create your own civilization

    This is just an idea that occurred to me. I have no modding skills so it is merely the seed of a mod, not a plan for one. What if there were a mod that would allow you to create a civ for yourself on the fly and in game, by picking from a menu of unique abilities, unique units, unique...
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