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Search results

  1. DST1348

    [NFP] [] Stuck on "Retrieving Host Information"

    Hello, when I press "Play Pirates" from the Multiplayer menu, the game does not continue past the "Retrieving Host Information". I verified my files with Steam and everything is correct. Thanks for your help! PS: I don't own the NFP expansion, but the same error occurs when I select the Red...
  2. DST1348

    Game freezes at random

    Since the latest patch v1.3.0 the UI keeps freezing at seemingly random points during the game. I can still hear the music and voice, but the game becomes non-responsive. Eventually, I have to reboot my MacBook:mad:. Does anybody else have that issue? (I have a MacBook Pro 2019, macOS 10.15.5...
  3. DST1348

    [] Apostles don't heal next to Temples

    Hello, after the recent patch to I loaded a previous save game. Now, my Apostles don't heal at all! They don't heal on enemy land, not my land, nor next to one of my temples. Anyone else who noticed that?
  4. DST1348

    Limits to ICS?

    Hello, are there any mechanics that limit ICS, now that Amenities are local? - I know that one type of luxury source only applies to four cities. - I have read somewhere that the cost of Districts goes up, and the amount of Gold you have to pay to purchase new tiles seems to increase. Does...
  5. DST1348

    Does Affinity affect Fear/Respect?

    In vanilla BE, your choice of Affinity strongly influenced the opinion other leaders had of you. In BERT, the leaders' pick of Personality Traits influence their Respect value. I got tons of emails from them regarding my land/culture/health etc. but not a single one about my Affinity. Is...
  6. DST1348

    [RT] Smart Grid Agreement overpowered

    Hello, with the Smart Grid Agreement you gain 3% (4%, 6%) of your :c5gold: Energy reserve per turn. But unlike the two Virtues in the Industry tree, it is not capped, leading to exponential income growth! This means that I now get 1238 :c5gold: Energy per turn because of my 30971 :c5gold...
  7. DST1348

    Interception and Range

    Hello, I have a Fighter with the Operational Range promotion stationed in my city and set to Intercept. Even though my units are inside the (air strike) range of my Fighter, they keep getting attacked by enemy Great War Bombers. My Fighter doesn't launch to Intercept :mad:. Does the Operational...
  8. DST1348

    List of Affinity Buildings

    If you are like me and still get tangled in the Tech Web, here is a list of affinity related buildings: Harmony Level |Name | Yield | Quest Bonus | Requires | Resource Cost | Tech 2 | Xenoful Plant | +3 Energy, +1 Energy per Xenomass | get 1000 Energy / +3 Energy and +2 Production...
  9. DST1348

    Help with creating table

    Hello, I want to create a thread with a table, but I just don't get it to work. I used this example from BBcode. Instead of 2 columns and 3 rows, I get one large column: Maybe I am missing something obvious? Any help is appreciated.
  10. DST1348

    Two minor things for immersion

    Am I the only one who is bothered by plain turn timer? From the replays I have seen, all it shows is just 'Turn X', without any time scale. I would appreciate it if it said some in-game time, like Year 2312, for immersion. Similarly, I don't like that city size is just '5'. At least in the city...
  11. DST1348

    Worker from CS: stealing or pressing?

    Hello, I wonder if it is ever worthwhile to obtain a Worker from a CS by Demanding Tribute. In the early game, stealing a worker by declaring war for one turn only requires a single Warrior and results in -60 :c5influence: Influence. However, to press the Worker as a Tribute requires several...
  12. DST1348

    Economy buildings in BNW

    Hello, I have played a few BNW games. Do markets, banks, etc. effect trade route income? Judging from the city screen, they only increase the gold generated by the city, not gold from the trade route. If this is really so, is it still worthwhile building them?
  13. DST1348

    Land based vs. Sea based

    Hello, I recently read an article in the WASD gaming magazine (in German) by Arnost Stanzel about land based and sea based empires in history and how they fare in Civilization. The author, a political scientist, concludes that in history sea based powers such as the British Empire or USA...
  14. DST1348

    Just got owned on Prince?

    Hello, I just "finished" my first G&K game. More precisely, I was finished. I played as Rome on a Standard Continents map on Prince difficulty. In Vanilla, I played at Emperor, so stepping down seemed like a good idea. I quickly encountered France, Egypt and Russia. Russia already having...
  15. DST1348

    AI Diplomacy after 1.332

    Hello, I stopped playing CiV because I couldn't stand the crazy /spoiled child like diplomacy any more. So, after reading the long patch notes, I decided to give CiV another try. My quick summary: AI diplomacy is as insane and unreliable as always. The AI design flaw (at least in my eyes)...
  16. DST1348

    How does the new Representation Policy work?

    Hello, I am confused about how the new Representation Policy works :confused:. Here are some of my thoughts :hmm: together with some questions : The Culture :c5culture: cost for adopting a new Policy rises either through a) adopting a new Policy or b) founding a new city. Has someone...
  17. DST1348

    My first post-patch game experience

    Hello, here is my personal resume of my first post-patch game. I played as Gandhi on a small Continents map on King difficulty. I wanted to see if tall empires can now compete with large ones. To sum it up: yes, they can :thumbsup:. The early game policies now feel like they really make a...
  18. DST1348

    How to enlarge units?

    Hello, I want to create a mod that enlarges the units in CiV to get rid of the need for unit icons (which I find ugly). Thankfully, Kael's Modding Guide says how to do it. As far as I understand "all" one needs to do is to change the "fscale" value for each unit. But now my question is...
  19. DST1348

    How to get rid of the legal mumbo jumbo

    Hello, I just discovered Dale's post over at WePlayCiv on how to get rid of the legal mumbo jumbo that shows up every freaking time you start CiV. Maybe it's common knowledge in the mod community but I certainly didn't know it. And I didn't see any similar post here. So I thought I spread...
  20. DST1348

    Discovery of an alien ship in Antarctica

    Hello, we are in the year 1900. All of the world is explored. All of the world? No, there is still a small patch in Antarctica :snowcool: that is yet to be explored. So the Amundsen of my people sets out to go where no man has gone before. Because he heard rumors of Killer Penguins he...
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