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  1. Copaczin

    The Fresh Prince of the Wasteland

    (Please Read This Thread first so you understand what I'm talking about) Schlols. Schlols never change. Neither does war. (I think they're kind of related.) Anyway... Once upon a time, over 150 years ago, there existed the Great Egyptian Empire* (Adjectives may have been...
  2. Copaczin

    Multiplayer Issue

    Whenever I play multiplayer, the game will claim I am using a different version of the game than everyone else and say *MOD*. People think I'm using a mod, even though I have the regular BTS expansion (I bought the complete edition off Steam a few months back). Why does it say I'm using a modded...
  3. Copaczin

    The Deity Story Challange!

    The Sun rises over the year 2011. Since time immemorial, the Civ Fanatics have lead a nomadic life. Now, they are finally ready to settle and begin their own Story Challenge Thread. Copaczin, The Civ4ST Elders have assigned you to be the Starter of the Storytelling Games. The Civ Fanatics have...
  4. Copaczin

    The Journey of a Thousand Fails Begins With a Single Deity Game

    I'm going to put it this way: I'm not very good at this game.:sad: I've been working hard to master Noble and move up to Prince, playing Noble's Club games and so forth. I suppose I start to feel pretty insignificant in the face of people who regularly beat Emperor and Immortal difficulties...
  5. Copaczin

    Technology Gaps: The Spearman vs. Tank Compilation

    Where the Random Number God reigns, there will always be a lucky win against a technologically superior opponent, or a defeat against an inferior one. This thread asks a simple question: what was the biggest underdog-winning scenario you've seen in Civ 4? Tech gaps are the main focus, but on-par...
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