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  1. T

    Found Hiawatha on another continent... sigh...

    Playing as Austria on a Emperor large continents map. I send a spy to Hiawatha's Capital, as of course he is the tech leader. Then I see his city screen! :eek::cry:
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    AI's you must eliminate/cripple at all costs upon meeting them

    Hiawatha and Pocatello come to mind with their obnoxious non-stop expansion. I am also going to put Sejong in that category. Left unchecked, his science output is ridiculous and he just runs away with the game... :cry: What other Civs are really bothersome/competitive for us Civ players?
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    Ranged AI naval units should be able to capture cities.

    Ranged AI naval units should be able to capture cities just to make the AI's stronger on water maps. I often see the AI with tons of ranged naval units and just endlessly bombard a coastal city but not capture it, because for some reason the AI did not bring a melee naval unit...
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    Winning on turn 500 on standard speed

    Just won a Diplomatic victory on turn 500. Would have lost if not for that, my score wasn't very good. Still have yet to run out of time or get a time victory in all my hours playing. Feels good... :lol:
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    70 turns of non stop war?

    I literally had 6 out of the 8 AI Civs declare war on me, I managed to hold back Rome, The Celts, and the Netherlands on three different fronts. The other Civs were on a different continent. I did so well against Rome, I counterattacked and took all 3 of his cities. I tried to sue for peace when...
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    Warmongering? Find a buddy first!

    This is a tip and a story from my current playthrough as Assyria. As we all know, this game is very situational and this tip may not always apply or be possible in your game. But I try to do this in my warmongering playthroughs I usually always try to get a DoF with someone before I start...
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    Do you finish your games in one sitting/day?

    I usually do, and try to do so. I usually won't start a game unless I know I have like 4 spare hours or so. I have a tough time having to save and exit the game for other matters of life. Then coming back the next day and trying to finish it. By then I have lost interest in that game and...
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    Do you go into mobilization with your cities during war?

    I do. Just wondering how many of you during war time, devote the majority of your cities to producing military when at war. I will immediately change from structures to units if I get a DoW on me. Only exceptions are if I am close to finishing a wonder, my budget is negative, or the city in...
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    "You discover a crudely drawn map that outlines the area."

    *Map reveals only coast and ocean tiles... yay! :rolleyes:
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    You know you have a runaway civ when...

    You are still in the BC's on a Continents map, standard size and speed, and around 1000BC to 500BC you see the message that a civ has lost it's capital, two different times. A few turns after that you see that "Civs with the most pointy sticks" 1. Unknown 1352 2. You 673 3. Austria 601...
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    Conquered a city you do not like? Sell it!

    Hey all. Some of you probably already know and perhaps do this strategy. But I just felt the need to post this little tidbit. We have all been there, either conquered a junk city that was in the way, or got one from a peace deal. Not worth annexing, and quite frankly, little value as a...
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    Starting next to Shaka and Monty

    Game is practically over by 950 BC. Naturally both of them declare war on you and tag team your 2 cities... :cry: :aargh:
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    City-State quest from Kuala Lumpur

    *Has the full Patronage tree filled out. Receives these two messages on a turn. -The City-State of Kuala Lumpur has given you a new unit! *Receives Great Admiral. -As Kuala Lumpur requested, you have successfully created a Great Admiral! Their scholars are in awe, and your :c5influence...
  14. T

    Elizabeth always hates the player

    Seriously... Even if I am peacemongering. I cannot remember a time where Elizabeth did not hate me. 1000+ hours of playtime and I come to the conclusion that Lizzy hates the player the most out of all the AI's. Sure, she can appear friendly, but she is always about to back stab and declare...
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    Won a Science Victory literally only because of Space Procurements

    Thanks to this tier 3 Freedom policy, I won a Science Victory as Babylon. Persia had 10 turns before a Culture Victory, and was way too huge and powerful to stop with my military beforehand. But in 7 turns, I managed to rush buy the parts, and research the last space tech and buy that part, for...
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    Wu completes Chichen Itza. Next turn completes Hanging Gardens, both in Bei Jing

    Huh? Wu Zetian must have unlocked a secret technology to build 2 wonders at the same time in one city... Either that or maybe she was building the Hanging Gardens, got it down to 1 turns or so. Switched to Chichen Itza the moment she acquired Civil Service, completed it. Then went back and...
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    Does anyone beeline Civil Service for the Chichen Itza wonder?

    It's been a long time since I built this wonder, and I cannot even get to Civil Service before an AI finishes the Chichen Itza. The AI really does love this wonder, it seems. You'd have to ignore the worker techs and beeline straight to Civil Service it seems to get this wonder now. :crazyeye:
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    AI navy seem to be a hit or a miss.

    Played 3 games recently. It seems the AI will do continent to continent invasions more now. And the AI's build more naval units. The first game I saw Shaka successfully invade from his unified continent and take out the 5 city Shoshone on my continent. Was cool to see. The second game...
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    Joining a war just to pillage

    Just wanted to share a story and possible strategy for y'all. In my recent Emperor, Fractal, England game. The map that was generated was similar to a Pangaea map. In the late 1500's. France, who was on the other side of the land mass, asked myself if I would like to declare war on the Celts...
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    Curious map question

    Hey y'all. Just a quick, curious question. So we know the latest patch put the good ol Fractal map into the standard map selection with Continents, Pangaea, Archipelago and Earth. So basically does the random map selection (Not Earth) also include the Fractal map in it's random selection now?
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