• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. CivOasis

    CityIOT 5

    CityIOT 5 IOT's favorite comedy city-sim is finally back! CityIOT 5 is a RNG-and-narrative driven game where players will attempt to establish a fledgling city-state. We're returning to a modern setting (if hand-wavey on the "how did we get here" part) again for this iteration, and I hope...
  2. CivOasis

    A Calm in the Storm

    A Calm in the Storm August 12, 2016 -The ruined road rolled beneath my feet, roots and ashes alike ripping through the cracks. This path - clearly long since abandoned - had been our guide for nearly a day now, seemingly coming from nowhere in the midst of the forest. The trees were...
  3. CivOasis

    Still Waters

    Still Waters
  4. CivOasis

    Still Waters: Sign-Ups, OOC, and Discussion

    Still Waters Overview: This project - I’m not sure if game or story is a more accurate way to refer to it - will be a character-and-story driven one. Players will create a character - one who ties into the existing world in some manner - and play as that character. You do not...
  5. CivOasis

    Ashes in the Night - Collaborative Development Thread

    Hello all! In June of 2014, a small set of us on the chat - myself, Kaiser, Red, TE, and bestrfcplayer - went about making a alt-timeline on the premise of the US joining the Axis powers in the second world war, using a continued Anglo-French appeasement policy during the invasion of Poland...
  6. CivOasis

    IOT Fights for XCOM

    So, as discussed on IOTchat, I decided to launch an XCOM game with some house rules (inspired by Symph's attempt at this in NES a while back). The game will run... well, whenever I get around to playing it. Now, as for the house rules - every XCOM soldier will be an IOTer. No non-IOT...
  7. CivOasis

    Cradle of Man

    Cradle of Man A Collaborative Worldbuilding Experience The rules in this post are outdated. Please go here to participate in Phase 2 of this project, religions and ethnic groups. Welcome to what I hope will be an extremely enduring and enjoyable project for us all. In this...
  8. CivOasis

    CityIOT: Apocalypse Noir

    CityIOT: Apocalypse Noir Welcome, one and all, to the latest iteration of CityIOT. We're going to be seeing some changes this time around, but first, the map: Rather than taking a pre-existing city and taking over it, this time around, players will be forging a new path in the ruins of...
  9. CivOasis

    Voices in the Dark: PreIOT Thread

    Welcome to the collaborative development thread for Voices in the Dark, my long-discussed space colonization IOT, now recruiting you to help design it! For those who haven't heard me ramble about it in recent weeks, here's the rundown: Voices in the Dark is going to be the story of...
  10. CivOasis

    Imperium Podcastium Redux

    Welcome to the new IOT podcast! Hopefully this time, we'll make it through a few more episodes than the original. So far, AA, RS, and I (with a shout-out to Joan, who couldn't join the recording at the last moment) have produced one episode, an introduction, which you can view below...
  11. CivOasis

    From Darkness: A Worldbuilder

    Hello, and welcome to my newest project here in NES, a worldbuilder! What do I mean by that? Well, in this thread, we will be constructing an entire planet piece-by-piece, from its geology to its culture, with the intent that it will eventually be used for future NESes I run. The first phase...
  12. CivOasis

    The Caribbean - A Pre-Columbian IOT

    The Caribbean: A Pre-Columbian IOT Welcome to CaribIOT, my attempt at a game set in the Pre-Columbian Caribbean and surroundings (in other words, half of the Americas). In this game, players will take command of a native nation in the Americas, and lead throughout the latter end of the era...
  13. CivOasis

    Search and Rescue: A Survival/Horror AC

    Welcome to my latest action chat, Search and Rescue! After a successful run of what was originally intended to be a one-and-done mission, I've decided to expand this into a full series, and I invite you all to join. In this game, you'll all be playing as members of a SaR team in a remote part...
  14. CivOasis

    The Sun is Setting: A WWII/Fall of Colonialism IOT

    Welcome to a world in which monarchs rule empires stretching across the globe, presidents kill their people in the name of expansion, and nations turn to dictators in hopes of restoring their former glory. Welcome to an era in which wars kill millions, revolutions test the extremities of...
  15. CivOasis

    CityIOT: A New Beginning

    It was a symbol of power, of wealth, of progress. It was a haven for the oppressed, a home for the thinkers, an asylum for revolutionaries. It was the door to the future... and the pathway to the end. Right, so onto the actual game. I'm on vacation, so I'm running this for the foreseeable...
  16. CivOasis

    RISK: Simple means easy, right?

    Welcome to the next iteration of RISKIOT, which is about as simple as the rules can get. Basically, do the following: Pick a capital province. Each turn, every province you own generates one (1) point. This can be used on either a navy or an army, which may be placed either in a province...
  17. CivOasis

    Flying Blind - A world-building exercise

    First off, I apologize for my horribly, horribly poor formatting, but part of the idea here is to give out as little information as possible in advance. This game will be a sort of "resurrected Earth" idea, where we'll be (here) building up a world with a different set-up than Earth, but...
  18. CivOasis

    CFC Model UN - Development Thread

    After some discussion in chat, a few of us came to the idea of running a CFC Model UN, which would be held strictly in an SG. Long story short, each person who wished to play would take on the role of a UN delegate from one single RL nation, which, at the start of the game, must come from...
  19. CivOasis

    CityIOT Redux

    Oh, God, it's back! Why, yes, it is! Once again, I will turn you loose into a blank world, where you'll be off to either build a utopia, or crush the souls of the poor beneath your heel. Or whatever it is you try to do. As in the original, you begin as either the head of an organization...
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