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  1. BlastDuke

    Something wrong @ Firaxis?!

    OK, Col2 was released far too early (unbalanced and buggy) ... there are other threads covering this, I do not want to discuss this here. I begin to wonder what's up with Firaxis, why do they - release no patch - don't even say that they are working on a patch - don't even seem to care to...
  2. BlastDuke

    Please remove "point-Production"

    I am playing Civ4Col for 1 week now, I have already won my first game on Conquistador level (with a rather big colony). For me the game is fun, although I am eagerly awaiting a patch regarding the urgent need to re-balance and fine-tune this game. But there is one concept that should be...
  3. BlastDuke

    6 year membership!

    Looking at my profile I have discovered that I celebrated my 6th (!) civfanatics-forum-birthday 3 days ago which makes me feel somewhat old :old:. I want to thank you all for your (most of them) good and informative posts that gave me new ideas and some laugh from time to time. I also seem to...
  4. BlastDuke

    AP and vassals - what if?

    Although heavily using the Apostolic Palace wonder in BtS (I love it), a question remains. Please help me in the following "what if" situation: a) I have founded the AP b) I have an archenemy [=AE] who has not the AP religion. c) My archenemy has a vassal [=AEV] (capitulated to AE) who...
  5. BlastDuke

    Two strange things I have discovered ...

    In my last game I have discovered two "strange" things I want to share: I used a fort as base for my airship, when the fort's tile suddenly got destroyed by a volcano event. However, the airship was still there (although there is nothing to land anymore) :lol: Check yourself: The fort was...
  6. BlastDuke

    (IS THIS A BUG?) Quest aims

    Regarding this thread the quest aims are mainly based on "default number of players". In a multiplayer game my colleague and I got the same quest (Classic Literature) : I had to build 18 libraries to complete the quest, my colleague only 9. This is because the game seems to check the...
  7. BlastDuke

    Spaceship travel times

    I did some tests concerning the travel time for spaceships (SS), since BtS requires the SS to land successfully (instead of just launching it) All SS must contain at least 1 part of each part to be able to launch, I call this the "basic" SS. Build costs (normal speed) are in parenthesis...
  8. BlastDuke

    Wrong message when arriving at Alpha Centauri

    Bug description: In the turn when I achieve a spaceship victory, the message window states "XYZ has launched their spaceship" which should be something like "XYZ's spaceship has arrived at Alpha centauri" How to reproduce the bug: 1) Load the save game (single player) - [1 turn before...
  9. BlastDuke

    Civilization4.ini gets overwritten (deleted)

    Hi, My system: AMD64, 2GB RAM, ATIX1650, WinXP (civ4 runs really fine on this machine), system is clean and stable My civ version: Warlords expansion, patch 2.08 (latest patch), European version No mods installed, no 3rd-party tools installed Problem step-by-step description: 1) I...
  10. BlastDuke

    Language selection?

    Hi, I just got my limited edition of Pirates! (at last), unfortunately there was no language selection during install and I have now the German version installed, but I want to play with the English version (always play original, also better patch support) Do you know: a) Does the 2 CD set...
  11. BlastDuke

    Suggestion: Another use for Great Leaders

    Since there will be great leaders created by scientific research in Civ3-Conquests (great idea) I am just thinking about an additional use for them besides the "complete building" and "build army" option: Make it possible that a great leader can also be converted into an additional "forbidden...
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