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Search results

  1. MantaRevan

    Most enjoyable leaders elimination thread

    Hey everyone. I'm a fan of elimination games (there I said it! :crazyeye:) and I thought I'd do one that might be new. Which leaders are your favorite to play? With R&F we've got a lot of leaders to choose from. You know the rules: - Vote once every ~24 hours - Give +1 point to a leader you...
  2. MantaRevan

    Agendas you never seem to be able to complete?

    Curious about people's experiences with some of the agendas in the game. Some seem near impossible to fulfill. Pedro for instance, is someone I can't imagine ever remaining on good terms with. If I'm focusing great people, then he's not going to like me, which is pretty much a requirement to be...
  3. MantaRevan

    Civ 6 balance changes wishlist for future patches and DLC

    If we want to put pressure on Firaxis to get Civ 6 to the point where Civ 5 was gameplay wise, I though it would be a good idea to come up with a list of bug fixes, mechanics additions, and other changes to the game that we'd like to see. I'm not counting new civs or leaders here, because those...
  4. MantaRevan

    Civ theme elimination thread

    My thread about civ 6's leader themes got me thinking about what people's favorite songs in the game are. This game used to be pretty popular on the Civ 5 forums, the rules are that every 24 hours you add 1 point to one civilization with music you like, and subtract 3 points from your least...
  5. MantaRevan

    The music problem

    Civ 6's music is repetitive. You only get background music from civs you meet, and you only get background music from civs. No culture-group or era soundtrack like from previous games. That isn't to say the music isn't very good (it is), but by the time you hit the atomic era you'll want to...
  6. MantaRevan

    Features from Civ 5 that you'd like to see return

    For me, the top two would have to be 1. The city state jingles. I like the unique icons for CSs we have now a lot, but they aren't much of a replacement for the catchy cultural themes that added flavor to the various city states. 2. The Diplomatic Victory, combining elements of Civs IV and V...
  7. MantaRevan

    Disappointed with Cyrus's agenda?

    Cyrus gets the "Opportunistic" agenda, meaning that he favors civs that declare surprise wars, and dislikes civs that don't. To me this just seems like a copy-paste of his leader ability. We already have a number of civs that have pro-war agendas (Gorgo, Alexander, Barbarossa) and...
  8. MantaRevan

    Caveman2Cosmos soundtrack?

    Hey, I used to play C2C a fair bit and I noticed that the mod had a lot of music from other civ games or just stuff I hadn't heard before. I'm trying to go through and add some extra tunes to the modern and classical eras of my BtS base game, and I was hoping that you guys could point me in the...
  9. MantaRevan

    How to I add more music to the soundtrack?

    There was a nice soundtrack editor utility for the vanilla version of Civ4, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. I've picked out music I'd like for the duller modern era, but I'm not sure how to get it to play naturally in game. :( Do you guys know how to go about doing that?
  10. MantaRevan

    When to build Great Wall?

    I usually pass by the great wall because it has a pretty high early opportunity cost and I prefer other wonders when I go that route. On the other hand, I do find it pretty useful on more open maps where I know barbarians are going to cause problems and I can still get the oracle. When do you...
  11. MantaRevan

    How to best use IMP?

    Imperialistic seems to me to be only slightly better than aggressive, but it seems to enjoy popularity among higher level players. How does one leverage it to max benefit? Building the great wall and rexing a little seem to be the only clear ways to take advantage of the trait that I can see.
  12. MantaRevan

    Which leader offers something interesting the entire game?

    I always play standard size and speed fractal games and that was getting pretty old so I decided that I'm gonna change my settings. I'm looking to start a huge size marathon game that I can really spend some time with(suggestions for map scripts are welcome). I was wondering which leaders...
  13. MantaRevan

    Can I play a save that was generated in vanilla BTS in BAT 4.1?

    I use BAT 4.1 when I play civ 4 and my friend doesn't. I generated a save for us both to play on his computer. Is it possible for me to play this save with BAT?
  14. MantaRevan

    Please give me constructive feedback on my Prince game.

    This one is a Gilgamesh save I've been working on, I know it's not amazing or anything, but the start was pretty enticing and I'm pretty happy with it. What are some ways I can improve my game and win more consistently on prince? Uses BUG 4.1 and everything is standard + terra.
  15. MantaRevan

    When is ToA a good idea?

    I almost never find myself building Temple of Artemis, out of opportunity cost if nothing else. It obsoletes by scientific method and if I'm in the position to build a wonder, I'd much rather go pyramids or oracle if the option is open. When, if ever, do you go Artemis?
  16. MantaRevan

    How would you play this start?

    This awesome seed has good food, decent production and early luxes to get to, not to mention the stone and marble. I'm thinking mids are looking pretty nice. When would you build them, what would your tech path be, ect? How would you play this start?
  17. MantaRevan

    Help me improve my play:Open followup game

    Alright, so in followup to my recent thread where I asked for feedback about how to get generally better at the game, I've started a new one from scratch. Anyone is free to join. One of the reasons I'm starting a new thread is that I came to the realization near the end of the thread that I...
  18. MantaRevan

    Who historically, was the "first to discover liberalism"?

    Just trying to see thoughts here. Who won the lib race in a civ game that exactly mirrored history, and what was their free tech? :D
  19. MantaRevan

    Tips for improving my game(save attached)

    Today I decided to follow through with my plans for a domination game with good old Boudicca, and ended up with something reasonably alright. I'd like it if you guys could take a look at my save and give my play some constructive criticism. My father and I both play BtS, and I serve sort of...
  20. MantaRevan

    Game-of-the-month style game: Aztecs

    So I know that civ 5 already has an official GoTM going on right now, but a group of my friends who play multiplayer together have decided to start our own GoTM style game, which anyone and everyone is invited to join in on! Here's the turn 0 save, feel free do whatever you want with the game...
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