• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. D

    What roulette type are you?

    Prompted by the Newcombs' Box thread... If you've ever been to a casino, you've probably seen those electronic blackboards where the last 20 (?) or so results of the spin are shown. Let us assume the board is showing a streak of 20 'black' results in a row - you've got a chip in your hand...
  2. D

    Assassination as a tool of war?

    Prompted by a remark in another thread, I got to thinking about how, at least in modern Western history, wars are always fought by soldiers, with civilian casualties increasingly accepted as 'collateral damage' - but no one ever seems to deliberately target the opposing government. The most...
  3. D

    Defending your countries' history

    Inspired by the current 'Germany had it worse in WWII' thread, which degenerated into a 'how many German women were raped by Russian soldiers' thread, I'd like to ask some questions of the posters in the History forum: 1) Do you feel compelled to defend your countries' historical deeds...
  4. D

    Any true chili-heads here?

    Inspired by Cheezy's 'Indian riot control' thread, I'm curious how many true chili-heads are here on CFC, beside me, that is..:D By 'chili-head' I mean someone who regularly eats hot chilies, takes a certain interest in chilies and has tried different varieties. I eat chilies with my food...
  5. D

    Anything happening on stability?

    I gave up on FF in frustration last week, because I haven't been able to finish a single game since I revisited FF 2 months ago. Some things have gotten better, but I still experience CTDs at some point in the game, starting from about turn 160 or so onwards - no matter what civ I play, even...
  6. D

    Game still crashing on Patch L?

    I decided to make a new thread instead of spamming the bug thread, since I don't have a specific bug. Also, I haven't seen much on CTDs after Patch K and was wondering how many others are still affected...? In my latest game as the Jotnar on Patch L I've started experiencing increasing random...
  7. D

    Cannon overpowered as city defenders?

    Retaking a city from Hyborem, I noticed Cannon now have 300% city bonus. I find this totally overpowered, especially on city DEFENSE! Can this really be intended? Giving a lowly Cannon a defense strength of 24 just because its parked in a city? Especially since the darn things are immune to...
  8. D

    Intelligent 'What If's - Pivotal Decisions

    I love Alternate History and What If discussions - but only if the questions are intelligently put. No offense to anyone, but most of the What If - threads on this forum are anything but! The questions are far too broadly stated, the premises illogical ... I'm sure I'm not the only one bored by...
  9. D

    CTD on winning (videos)

    I think I saw this mentioned somewhere, but now that I need it I can't find it - sorry if this thread is redundant! On winning a game (Emperor, Domination) I receive a popup error message: "Your videos are not installed properly" and then the game exits to desktop. This was late last...
  10. D

    New book by Jared Diamond (Guns,Germs and Steel)

    I recently read Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, after it had been recommended by several knowledgeable contributors on this forum. I found it well-written and persuasive and can recommend it to anyone who wants to understand the development of civilizations (which should be any true Civ...
  11. D

    Unloading Armies - What do you think?

    There's been quite a vehement discussion on the appropriate thread about whether armies should be unloadable or not - currently there seems to be a bug enabling it (see the thread for details): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38929 Several people have suggested...
  12. D

    Where can I buy PTW ASAP in Europe?

    I'm chomping at the bit to get PTW as soon as possible! The European versions come out several weeks after the US one, so naturally, I want to get that... unfortunately, Amazon and other suppliers don't seem to send PC games (and other software) to overseas adresses. I believe there is some...
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