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Search results

  1. AdelineJ

    Without ModBuddy ?

    Hello ! Did ModBuddy have to be used to create a mod ? Can I make a mod with only xml files ? I know, if it's possible, there are a lot of possibilities will be impossible, but now, I would want to create leader, civ, building, etc. with leaders behaviors based on existing leader. I knew it was...
  2. AdelineJ

    Installation of extensions

    Hello ! I had Civ5 Vanilla on my PC. Today I bought the Complete Edition (DVD). Before installing, I uninstall my game. The installation was good but Vanilla only ! On the notice, it was written I have to reinsert the DVD and my PC will install extension 1 and after extension 2. But when...
  3. AdelineJ

    Caesar IV

    Hello ! I played at Caesar IV for a long time. After my Civilization IV BTS tutorial, I would wan to attack Caesar IV. And for that, I must open the file .dat. Anyone knows how to open them ? Thanks ! AdelineJ P.S. I tried in changing .dat in .jpg, .txt, .mp3 or to open with Access, Open...
  4. AdelineJ


    Hello ! How do I add the action of damages of city defenses to an unit ? I know the value in CIV4UnitInfos.xml bus when I load my mod, there is not the red "button"... Thanks AdelineJ
  5. AdelineJ

    Download C2C

    Hello ! I want to dwnload C2C but I can't do. If I try here, with mirrors, it's written "The file you have selected (Caveman2Cosmos.7z) is not available via any mirrors. Please check back shortly as our servers update every 5 minutes. To access more download mirrors we encourage you to join the...
  6. AdelineJ

    Best civilizations

    Hello ! I need 7 civilizations. For you, what civilizations (7) are the best ? Thanks ! AdelineJ
  7. AdelineJ

    Unique Mod

    Hello ! I have got an idea for a mod and I would want if any persons are interessed.:hmm: I think a mod where each civilization have got ITS buildinds and ITS units. Only the barbarians have got the buildings and units of BTS. All units are UU and UB are unique ! I thinks now about 7...
  8. AdelineJ

    Map from Civ4 to BTS

    Hello ! I would want to modify a scenario of Civ 4 to play it with Civ4 BTS. For XML, no problem. But for the map, can I modify its format or do I have to redo the map ? Thanks ! AdelineJ
  9. AdelineJ

    Tech obsolete

    Hello ! Can I create a tech that makes obsolete an other technology. I say that to choose between 2 techs, 2 ways. Thanks ! AdelineJ
  10. AdelineJ

    Destroy improvements and cities

    Hello ! I know, of course, I can product the units that found a city or build a improvment. Can I product, in a mod, a unit that destroy city (in MY empire, to found a nomad civilization, for example) or an improvement (to avoid to ennemy to have this, as forts) ? Thank you AdelineJ
  11. AdelineJ

    Exhaustible resources

    Hello ! Is it possible that resources are exhaustible after 50 turns? Anf if yes, more 50 turns with a technology? Thanks ! AdelineJ
  12. AdelineJ

    Tutorial website

    Hello ! I would say you I made a website on a tutorial. Ok, it's french but with modiki and google traduction, it's simple. I think I translate it, as I wrote in a post. This is my website. AdelineJ
  13. AdelineJ

    Translated website

    Hello ! Do anyone speak French ? I search anyone who help me to translate my website. I did any tutorials : picture home, musique, leader, civilization, trait, unity, building (and wonders), technology, ressource, civic, promotion, religion, corporation, map. Thanks for your help ! AdelineJ
  14. AdelineJ

    Map size

    Hello ! How do you create a map size ? I tried to change CIV4WorldInfo.xml : <WorldInfo> <Type>WORLDSIZE_GEANT</Type> <Description>TXT_KEY_WORLD_GEANT</Description> <Help>TXT_KEY_WORLD_GEANT_HELP</Help> <iDefaultPlayers>15</iDefaultPlayers>...
  15. AdelineJ


    Hello ! I would want to know if anyone have the formulas where appear the parameters defined in CIV4WorldInfo.xml ? Thanks ! AdelineJ
  16. AdelineJ

    Animal units

    Hello ! I would want to know the definition of animal units, defined in <bAnimal> in CIV4UnitInfos.xml. the unit is barbare, can't enter in bordures the units is not barbare but it can't explore and enter in tribal village Thanks you ! AdelineJ
  17. AdelineJ


    Hello ! I don't undersand <BonusHappinessChanges/> in CIV4BuildingInfos.xml. If I put : &lt;BuildingHappinessChanges&gt; &lt;BuildingHappinessChange&gt; &lt;BuildingType&gt;BUILDINGCLASS_PALACE&lt;/BuildingType&gt; &lt;iHappinessChange&gt;1&lt;/iHappinessChange&gt...
  18. AdelineJ


    Hello ! I wanted to know the formula what determines the valor of missions of spying to see the parameters. Anyone can help me ? Thanks. AdelineJ
  19. AdelineJ

    Website and pictures

    Hello! I would want to make a small website of civ4. Can I do ? If yes, I have already begun the files, I want to insert picture, as :science:, :food:, or other but I don't know how I must do it (in html files). Could you help me, please? AdelineJ
  20. AdelineJ


    Hello! To change the sound of main menu, does it suffice to put the file wanted (same name and same extension) in the same folder ? or are there any other files that must be modified? Thanks. AdelineJ
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