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Search results

  1. isnorden

    Doubling specific luxuries: how do I code this?

    After using a mod that doubles the amount of strategic resources on the map, I wondered if there was a way to double the amount of specific luxuries (say, Gold or Silver) for all civs. If that's possible without a DLL hack, could you please tell me how? Thank you again!
  2. isnorden

    [BNW] Four new beliefs: are these codeable?

    Sailors' Chapel (follower belief): +1 :c5faith: Faith from Harbors; +2 :c5faith: Faith from Seaports. Ave Stella Maris (follower belief): May buy pre-Industrial water units with :c5faith: Faith. Doing Business in Great Waters (enhancer belief): The player's religion exerts double normal...
  3. isnorden

    Religion-icon experiment #2

    I just finished creating this icon for the Norse religion, as part of my current modpack project. (With only one religion to add, making a single icon from scratch seemed easier than chopping up a multi-icon atlas in someone else's mod.) Are religion icons supposed to have the same round...
  4. isnorden

    Is this icon too "busy" for Civ5?

    Since I can't draw gameworthy artwork from scratch, 99% of my "original" icons are cobbled together from royalty-free pictures and Photoshop SFX I've downloaded. The icon I completed this morning is meant to stand for an Herbalist building (which will generate Science and grant Survival I to...
  5. isnorden

    Too tasteless for a splash screen?

    When I decided to add the alleged Uppsala temple to my modpack, I searched Google for potential splash-screen pictures. Most of my results were irrelevant, which left two "good" choices: (1) a medieval woodcut based on Adam of Bremen's second-hand description of the temple, or (2) Carl...
  6. isnorden

    Four new wonders -- quote/stat suggeations, please?

    My current modpack project is going to include about thirty new buildings, five of those will be wonders. Besides a tweaked version of the Oktoberfest wonder, I plan to add four originals... Solomon's Temple (included to showcase a new Animal Sacrifice follower belief; if the game had a way...
  7. isnorden

    Dummy building/special resource rule: how to code?

    I got an idea for part of my food-and-drink mod; is this rule codable in plain XML, or would I need a Lua script supporting it? If the player has a Bakery and the Oktoberfest wonder in the same city...improve that one Bakery with a dummy upgrade which produces Pretzels. I know that...
  8. isnorden

    Coding new resources: a few questions

    Do new resources *need* to specify an ArtDefine if they're not going to appear on the map? (My food-and-drink modpack includes about ten resources like that.) Is FLAVOR_RELIGION allowable for resources (without hacking the DLL)? I can think of some luxuries which get traded because of...
  9. isnorden

    Removing terrain choices from resources/mprovements?

    I'm currently writing some XML code to alter some resources: For instance, I'd like to keep "regular" Deer out of tundra (separating them from my Reindeer resource), but allow them in grasslands. Unfortunately, I don't know how to delete a table value when that value is SOME_NAME. Setting a...
  10. isnorden

    How do I tweak these values?

    Thanks to the SQL code that LeeS and Nutty wrote, I did some search/replace work to add three more "near-copycat" resources to my food-and-drink modpack (see the attached .rar archive). Most of the non-cosmetic stats for Moose, Reindeer, and Wild Boar should stay the same; but I do want to make...
  11. isnorden

    The sincerest form of flattery

    After seeing how Sukritact's team handled the Mastaba building in Narmer's Egypt, I thought of using similar code for my "shared unique" Runestone. (Most historical runestones commemorate locally famous people, after all.) Some mechanics would need to change, though. Instead of creating...
  12. isnorden

    Adding support for modcivs/extra uniques

    For the first half of my food-and-drink modpack, I plan to include a few buildings (two of them will be wonders) allowed only to specific civs. Here's what I have in mind -- The mod already includes a basic Tavern building (+1 each to Food/Happiness, plus extra Gold from alcoholic...
  13. isnorden

    SQL = Seeming Quite Lost

    I used SQLite Spy on Civ5DebugDatabase.db today, but can't understand why my attempts at saving tables to a Notepad++ compatible file have all given me 0 KB, blank documents coded to be in SQL. (What happened to the data tables I selected before I told SQLite Spy to save?) Please tell me what...
  14. isnorden

    Making near-copycat resources: where do I look?

    If I wanted to create a new resource which uses the same skin/artdefines as an official one, but has its own onscreen name and font/SV icons...where do I look for the original resource's data? (Examples from the food/drink modpack I'm working on: tweaking Truffles to create a separate Wild...
  15. isnorden

    Crash to desktop 20-30 secs after "Loading" screen

    I'm unable to run Civ5 on my PC, despite the fact that it used to run on the same machine without any trouble. I haven't changed any system configurations or hardware, except to replace a broken keyboard; and I've tried reinstalling both Steam and Civ5 from scratch. So far, all that happens is...
  16. isnorden

    My food/drink modpack: a few questions

    Which (existing) era and technology would be most appropriate for a Confectioner's shop? Which would be best for a Coffee Shop? I'm planning to make Grapes (a plantation crop) and Wine (a manufactured resource) two separate items in my mod; what's the safest way to do this without screwing up...
  17. isnorden

    Component request: recolors needed for resources

    I'm currently writing a modpack centered on food/drink resources and related buildings. (Last time I counted, the new parts added up to 24 resources and 18 buildings...including some UB's and wonders.) Although I can handle most of the code and icon-making, I couldn't recolor artdefines to...
  18. isnorden

    Best techs for these two buildings?

    If I wanted to add these two buildings in the right eras, which existing Civ5 techs are the best fit for each combination? Gourmet Restaurants in the late Industrial/early Modern (generates extra Gold/Culture on some food luxuries, small Tourism bonus) Fast Food Restaurants in the Atomic...
  19. isnorden

    Trouble "iconifying" some pics, please help!

    I'm currently working on a mod which adds several buildings and resources. Some of the photos I'm adapting as icons, though, have backgrounds (mostly plain white) that I'd rather replace with customized gradients. True, I've done that with other photos before; see my Goldsmith/Jeweler mod for...
  20. isnorden

    SQL/Lua neeeeded for new XML columns

    Since necroposting is a Bad Thing here, I'll start a new thread with my old technical questions... I would like to add some new XML tables/columns to my building mods, so some functions are easier to tweak. Unfortunately, some of the SQL and Lua I need has become unsearchable. Defining...
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