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  1. S

    [VidLP]novainthespace streaming NQ games

    A friend of mine is streaming civV and somehow managed to get to around 40 viewers just by streaming. I'm very happy about him, check it out at . :crazyeye:
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    Minus 20 and below health is...

    Is not crucial at all. I just played a 4p FFA game, which I ended with -90 health - being top1 production / science / army etc. screenshot: It literally feels there's no reason at all to stay...
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    Khan, the unit (great general replacement)

    Few interesting observations and points to discuss: I. The basics. He doesn't give a healing bonus to the unit on the same tile as himself(discussed here), also the unit has to be "healing" in order to get the bonus, you can't just move a unit along, unless you have march promotion; II...
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