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Search results

  1. F

    Ruin Preference on T3

    Okay, you're on T3, you find probably your only city ruin. Which reward would you prefer on Marathon and why? +1pop to Capital; Culture: 60/75 for 1st SP; Faith: ?; Gold: 100; Tech: Animal Husbandry; Tech: Archery; Tech: Mining; Tech: Pottery for granary/Shrine; Haven't been able...
  2. F

    Ambitious First King GEM

    Okay, I've never played Civ V much. I just got BNW a few weeks ago and I decided to give it ago. I fired up a GEM map. I have 39 civs no CS set-up, king difficulty, and Marathon. Playing as Rome w/Liberty tree. Only one ruins I can get, it adds one pop to Rome. I have a total of 6 city-sites...
  3. F

    Custom Scenario Won't Load

    I took my old Earth Map (Huge) and redid Asia. I converted plains Jungles to grassland. I added in a few DLC and G&K Civs. I did all of this on my Desktop. However, when i try to load the scenario crashes on loading. It says Civ V has stopped working. Any ideas why? Moved to C&C.
  4. F

    Flash's Huge Earth Map

    Okay, I put together a pretty good map. I started with Dale's TSL. I added Europe from Rhye converted. I mixed Africa from both maps. I set up the city states I could fit. And it works only the city states clog up expansion in Europe. So, I'll release two versions, city state and no city state...
  5. F

    Advanced settings? Resources

    Hello All, Anyone figure out what each of the different settings under Resources Are? Particularly interested in legendary start.
  6. F

    Hungary (Food Prod)

    I'm playing as Rome on the Modern resources map. It is 2160 BC, I have 4 cities. I have a neighboring Hungarian city with a Grassland-Flood Plain w/irrigated wheat producing 9 food per turn. I'm trying to figure out how that is possible. As far as I know everyone is at Noble difficulty.
  7. F

    Colonization Civs

    What are the ramifications of adding in the civs from colonization and moving Portugal from Brazil back to Europe. will the game work and does it need a lot of changes?
  8. F

    Very Frustrated

    Okay, it all started when I decided to go back to BTS/Colonization after experimenting with some on line games such as Evony. My previous version of BTS was v3.17 and wanted to update to v3.19. So I used the ingame installer where it froze the hourglass after i hit "install". I checked task...
  9. F

    clean Map

    I would like to combine ozzie's and Western Hemisphere huge maps. However the combined dimensions are 76 * 100. how do I create a clean map, and have the start civs I want?
  10. F

    Ozzie's without Pirates.

    Okay, it has been awhile. I want to modify ozzie's America map without Pirates. And I want to replace them with the russians. and i want the indian tribes in semi historical placement. Any way to do this.
  11. F

    Cochineal Insects Resources?

    I was doing some random researches and came across this interesting resource. It was a very valuable resource found by the Spanish in Mexico. It used by the Azrec and Maya as a red dye. It was so valuable that the Spanish hid the secret of its manufacture for centuries. It was coveted in Europe...
  12. F

    Map Request.

    I was wondering if I provided the base map if someone would be willing to make a map from it? It is a huge North and S. America. the map is 2160 x 3000 pixels set at squares of 30 x 30 pixels. It should make a map of 72 x 100. the civs and resources do not have to be placed. It is a realism...
  13. F

    Scout to Dragoon?

    How do I convert a decorated scout unit into a Dragoon?
  14. F

    When to purchase or buy from the dock?

    Okay assuming the English is being played on Marathon... When is it better to either purchase specific units or to either wait for free random unit or to buy one of the three available?
  15. F

    Longer tech tree

    Hello All, Is it possible to add the RTW and Next War Tech trees to a regular Epic or marathon game?
  16. F

    Hatty's Mummy found.

    When Civ IV came out I wasn't sure what I thought about the Egyptian leader being Hatshepsut. I saw on the discovery channel a little bit more about what she did but still do not know much about her. The conclusion on Hatty was that she had tumors in her abdomin and hips. She had arthritis...
  17. F


    I didn't think ColDos would play under XP. But after reading the threads, I decided to cheak it out. Wow, it did and on my new Widescreen monitor. It is still not as pretty as ColWin but it plays. So now how do I get the sound?
  18. F


    TWC_Earth_Map_300x120 project Version: Currently 0.01 (Screenshots coming soon) Background: With the advent of the new Warlords patch v2.08, I've decided to remake my Gigantic TWC_Earth_Map_256x128 map. The reasons are many. I decided to re-crop my source maps and use their scale. Hence...
  19. F


    Hello All, This Thread is for posting and discussion of my Warlords version of my maps and there will be multiple versions. The first map is going to be for the vanilla conversion of my map. The second map is for a modified version of the map. Here I replaced the Mali with Carthage...
  20. F

    [Map] TWC_Earth_256_x_128

    Hello All. Unfortunately, the 200x100 map has been put on the back burner. The team has gone on Sabbatical and I have to wait for the missing pieces. So I have started a new project. So far I can load it in worldbuilder, but I do not know at this time how much I can do in it. So I am using...
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