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  1. warpus

    Painting, wallpapering, etc

    When painting a room, do you first paint the ceiling, then the walls, then the trim around the doors and windows and the baseboards? Or do you first paint the ceiling, then the trim + baseboards, and then the walls? What is the best order to do this in that a professional would follow? What...
  2. warpus

    Bathrooms, bathrooms, bathrooms!?!

    I've been sometimes killing time by looking at real estate in various places, partially for fun, partially to see what's out there, partially as a new sort of special interest. It's not like I'm going to be able to afford a $4 million house in Toronto, but I will look at it and see why it's...
  3. warpus

    The perfect pasta is a mystery to me!

    "Toss with oil to prevent the noodles from sticking together" This is always in the instructions, but never works. What the Fernsehen? A) I am using the wrong oil B) I am using the right oil incorrectly C) I am using the wrong kind of strainer D) I am doing something else incorrectly E)...
  4. warpus

    Members' Artwork

    These posts have been moved from the cool pictures thread into their own! I drew this. I call it Get a move on (geta it?) If anyone here speaks Japanese to any legitimate degree, please let me know where I messed up and how
  5. warpus

    [RD] Backpacking Việt Nam (2019)

    Prologue Much like in my other travel threads, here you will be able to follow my travels through this interesting south-east Asian country. I will be posting stories from the 3 and a half weeks I spent in Vietnam in march of 2019, making my way from Hanoi in the north to Ho Chi Minh City in...
  6. warpus

    Textmode Art

    I was looking for a good place to post a teaser trailer for an upcoming textmode art release.. and no existing post really fit. I realized that I might as well create a new thread for this kind of art, since one doesn't exist. What is textmode art? Textmode art is any art created...
  7. warpus

    [RD] Happy International Men's Day!

    This day does not get much fanfare in North America I don't think, but it is an important day nevertheless. I remember when the International Women's Day wasn't really celebrated in Canada either, so maybe it's just a matter of time before these days get the attention they deserve. This is the...
  8. warpus

    [RD] The Everest Basecamp Trek

    The Everest Basecamp Trek This particular adventure begins at Hotel Shanker, in Kathmandu, Nepal... although a lot lead up to that moment, including a 30 hour layover in Hong Kong and months of planning, preparation, and training. The plan was to hire a guide and porter and hike to Everest...
  9. warpus

    [RD] Exploring Japan

    Exploring Japan In the fall of 2016 I flew to Narita International Airport, near Tokyo. I had a return ticket with me that would take me home about 22 days later. I also had a hotel room booked for 8 nights in a good central location. After that I I did not really know where I would end up...
  10. warpus

    [RD] Hiking through Norway

    A couple of years ago I spent 5 weeks backpacking, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, and white water rafting through Norway. The following is an attempt to document this journey in some way and share it with the rest of the community here. I made this thread RD, so that any discussion stays...
  11. warpus

    [RD] Happy Women's Day!

    Let's not forget that it's only recently that we've started to consider treating women as equals, giving them the right to vote, and so on.. and that in a lot of places around the planet women are still 2nd class citizens
  12. warpus

    Lego Appreciation Thread (split off from Random Raves XLII)

    I just bought a LEGO set. The first one I ever bought with my own money. This is amazing because when I was a little boy I had a dream of owning LEGO sets when I was older and could afford it. We were refugees in West Germany when I first found out about LEGOs and how amazing they are, but I...
  13. warpus

    Cincinnati, worth a visit?

    I will be in Cincinnati this upcoming Easter weekend from Friday afternoon until Monday morning, and I don't really know anything about Cincinnati. I've also realized that we've never discussed Cincinnati here, as far as I know. It just never comes up. So, why don't we do that now? I'll get...
  14. warpus

    Lest We Forget

    It's Remembrance Day Didn't see a thread for it I don't have much to say, just wanted people to take some time to think about our fallen heroes, who make our materialistic lives full of freedom possible.
  15. warpus

    Happy Canada Day!

  16. warpus

    I always seem to get attacked for no reason

    I bought Beyond Earth when it came out and have tried playing a couple games. The game doesn't really seem to grab me and I've sort of reverted to Civ 5. Anyway, each game I start 2, 3 or more civs always end up attacking me, maybe 4-5 cities (that I've built) into the game. There is still...
  17. warpus

    Calling all creative types

    This might interest you whether you're a musician, poet, author, whether you draw, compose, write, or even code. Or maybe not, but it's worth a shot. The Blender - An online creative competition/event that lasts 2 hours, thought up by my friend hennifer let's say 21 years ago. He didn't have...
  18. warpus

    Journey to the End of the World

    One day in early 2008, my friend - let’s call her Jane, asked me if I want to go hiking in Chile with her. This was an unexpected proposition for me, possessing neither the clothing, the gear, nor the training for a proposed 5 day long hike through the Andes in southern Patagonia - the...
  19. warpus

    Help me plan a trip to Norway

    I have started spreading rumours at work that I will be away in Norway for several weeks next summer.. so please help me plan a trip there, if you know anything about the country! I plan to be gone for 3-5 weeks. If you're curious what sort of stuff I'm interested in, my main interest in this...
  20. warpus

    The home movie theatre thread

    I am looking for specific advice about which theatre style couch to buy, but figured it might spark more discussion about home movie theatre setups you guys might have or fancy. The deal is that it's almost time for the world cup, so I need a couch for downstairs to watch the games on. I found...
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