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  1. keldath

    compile error msvcprtd.lib

    hey folks, i keep getting these messeges. tried 2017/19 and 2010 exp. copied the libs to the tool kit, thing is i changed my cpu. i tried lots of things, none removed these. 1>msvcprtd.lib(nothrow.obj) : warning LNK4229: invalid directive '/FAILIFMISMATCH:_MSC_VER=1600' encountered; ignored...
  2. keldath

    Alternative ai to Vox pop

    Hi all, Recently, I played seceral civ5 multiplayer games Personally,i barely played 5 , since i stuck to civ4. Since Vox as far as i saw, Is in Dev stage and got issues with latest version. I was wondering, if there is more ai dll mods That are good and can be used in modpack to play in a...
  3. keldath

    Create a cwdtring array with an int

    Hi Im trying to create an array in game.cpp, or globals, That will its key is a string and value an int. To be specific: M_eventtype* = new cwstring [gc.getnumeventvtriggertypes()[ Cwstring* m_eventtype In the init and For (inr i : < gc.getnumeventtriggertypes(); i++) ,} Cwstring...
  4. keldath

    [Dev] Civic dependency Tree (Parent)

    Heya dear civ4 modders, lately i have been developing a new-old civic dependency system. f1rpo0 has been helping me and directing me, but i have decided to put it here to get more help/opinions. maybe vene some modders would like to use this as well later on. key description of my system: a...
  5. keldath

    python changes to UI and debugging

    hey people, say, anyone knows how can i make changes to the python ui without restarting the game for every single change i do?
  6. keldath

    Tile attack limit

    Hi fellow modders, lately, I have been thinking about unit limit per tile, Or unit stack limitations to mitigate giant stacks. After being taken out in my game in a swift decimation to ai stacks of doom... There has been some cool features done, vip mod for instance, realism invictus and...
  7. keldath

    [SDK] Execute a func after game load

    Hi all, Anyone have an idea where can i put a function to be executed after a load game? Also after map generation on the load process. Thanks in advance, Keldath
  8. keldath

    [SDK] changing city culture border shape

    hi all, anyone knows if there is a function in the dll that can change or modify the wat the art of a border looks like?
  9. keldath

    [SDK] City Bar Population number change

    Hi, this is probably a long shot..... but - anyone knows where and if the number of a city population can be altered?
  10. keldath

    Pie AE K-MOD merge Project

    Hi all, i decided on contributing to Dear Pie and this veteran wonderful mod. so i started this merge with Kmod . i hope to see this as a part of the mod basis and the continued development . personally, i have never played Pie ancient Europe, cause alli do is mod mod mod... but, since i...
  11. keldath

    [PYTHON] expose DLL function (city) from to python

    hi all, i want top use a function i added to the cycity in the file. i thought i should do something like CyCity.myfunction(). but it didnt work and i got py error. can someone give me pointers on how to call dll functions to the python? thanks
  12. keldath

    [SDK] Improvement on improvement

    hi all, im trying to code an addition to a mod named super forts. my goal, is to make it so, that upon building a fort - it will not destroy the existing improvement. any ideas to what code part i need to goo?
  13. keldath

    [BTS] any RFC MP stable?

    hi, i wish to play rfc on mp with a friend. are any of the modmods is valid for MP? thank you.
  14. keldath

    [SDK] new Combat Rules

    hey folks, im looking to perform some combat ruule changes: if anyone could give some pointers where to implement it , it would help. - attacker chance to fully heal after an attack - if defender is not dead, add a chance to kill it any ways - after attacker move - chance to gain a secondary...
  15. keldath

    [PYTHON] Module as a gameoption

    Hi all, Say i got a python mod, On modules. Using bug/kmod. I would like to check a gameoption, Sdk, if true enable the python, else ignore. What should be the syntax for checking it, during a game?
  16. keldath

    [MODCOMP] KelModPlatform

    Greeting Civ4 BTS Modders! Welcome to "Keldath Modding Platform". Description: this mod component is actually a Vanilla complete mod that is based on Kmod . i decided to develop and share with the community this so that if there are some starting Modders out there that desire to start they're...
  17. keldath

    OOS Debugging

    hey, well, started a multiplayer , on Doto. something is off with the music, it feels that the more zoom i make , the sound goes away. right now, to ehar the music, i have to be at a pretty far off view / zoom. i think musing should only be off at high globe view of almost max zoom . right now...
  18. keldath

    [SDK] new function - code review request

    hello good sdk people of Civ4. its probably a long shot, but i am writing some AI code for Ranged Strike (Dale combat mod and VIP by Vncent modification). anyway, i wrote a function that checks if a plot is worthy of ranged attack. i would love for thoughts and feedbacks. appreciate any help.
  19. keldath

    Ranged Attack - AI_leaveAttack

    hi all, im working on a variation of ranged attack, base off of VIP mod and DCM and Archer bombard. human player code works great. ai code works but not perfect. my correct issue, is with how to make the ai stop attacking when its odds of survival is no good. i thought about using...
  20. keldath

    [SDK] function understanding -> what does it do?

    hey all, i have a probably simple question . i wish to verify the bold part below -> does it mean that the damage made by a unit, if (pPlot->getPlotCity() != NULL) { iDamage *= 100; iDamage /= std::max(0, (pPlot->getPlotCity()->getBuildingDefense() + 100)); } is...
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