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  1. jamiethearcher

    I just passed the New York State Bar Exam

    Gooooooooooo me! In other news, I passed the series 7 NASD examination 2 weeks ago. Is anyone else a broker/dealer or recent member of any bar association and have advice to give me in moving forward in my career? (Compliance work for a major investment bank)
  2. jamiethearcher

    A question for the lawyers

    So I graduated law school this past May, and will be taking the Bar exam on the 26th and 27th of July. Lo and behold, I get a Jury summons in the mail - I am to be available starting July 30 for Jury duty :( The best part is that I start my new Job on August 6th, so I only really had a...
  3. jamiethearcher

    Francisco Franco

  4. jamiethearcher


  5. jamiethearcher

    yahoo widgets

  6. jamiethearcher

    The MPRE: i.e the lawyers Ethics exam

    Tommorow, I have to write the MPRE which is a national ethics exam based on the American Bar Associations ethics rules. It is a neccesary step to take before you can practice law - each state that requires it (and most do) have different scores you need on the test before you can practice in...
  7. jamiethearcher


    Anyone else watch this 3 minute show? I started watching a couple of weeks ago when it hit the news becasue of the old host leaving/getting fired. They have a new host, and its a pretty interesting show - they have all kinds of neat internet content on it. check it out here
  8. jamiethearcher

    Hezbollah using hospital as terrorist base

    Check out this link "Israel's military on Wednesday released video that it said proved a hospital it raided overnight deep inside Lebanon was actually a Hezbollah headquarters." "Hezbollah fighters were using the hospital and its surrounding area as a logistical base, housing many of its...
  9. jamiethearcher

    My suggestion

    I have seen websites that, at the bottom of a thread, have a list of the members who are currently reading that thread - would it be possible to implement something like this?
  10. jamiethearcher

    Do you like Sardines?

    I personally love these tasty fish. My wife HATES them - she makes me take the can outside right away, so she doesnt have to smell them - I think she would actually prefer it if I ate them outside as well! my personal favorites are the ones that come in tomato sauce.
  11. jamiethearcher

    Pro-Israel Rally in Toronto draws thousands

    To me, that looks like Harper has significant support for his current stance in the ME. Link "An estimated 8,000 supporters came to the rally, dubbed "Stand with Israel," which included a live two-way satellite feed with residents of a town on the Israel-Lebanon border. Crowds waved...
  12. jamiethearcher

    If Quebec separated, would Canada remain bilingual?

    This was inspired by the Quebec independance thread. I understand that there are francophones outside of Quebec, and I am certian that many federalist Quebecors would move to Canada upon separation, but the numbers of francophones in Canada would be much much lower after separation. Do you...
  13. jamiethearcher

    Best Prime Minister

    Who do you think is the best Canadian Prime Minister thus far? People from outside the country, feel free to vote as well, as international opinions should make this fairly interesting. My personal vote is Brian Mulroney, and while he is pretty much hated at this point, I think history will...
  14. jamiethearcher

    Good job Mr. Harper

    The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has issued a statement giving unqualified support to Israel's actions in the most recent crisis. "He described Israel's response following the capture of the three soldiers on Israeli soil as measured self-defence, and called for the militants to...
  15. jamiethearcher

    How can I support Israel?

    I am getting so freaking angry with the militant muslims around Israel who refuse to cease their terrorist tactics. I am not going to go over and join the Israeli army (I don't even know if I could as a Catholic). Can anyone tell me of any legitimate causes I can contribute to...
  16. jamiethearcher

    More Israel Soldiers Kidnapped, Israel enters Lebanon

    LINK Hezbollah kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers, and Israel has responded by entering lebanon. This is rapidly getting out of control. I fully support Israel in this matter, but I don't understand how Hezbollah stands to benefit from this - Israel won't give into their demands (prisoner...
  17. jamiethearcher

    adopting a dog from a Shelter

    I am thinking of getting a dog, and like the idea of adopting one from a local shelter (SPCA). Has anyone else done this? do you have any tips in picking a dog? I have heard you should suddenly raise your hand, if the dog cowers, that means it has been abused. Anything else I should look...
  18. jamiethearcher

    Project Gutenberg

    Has anyone been to this site? The purpose of Project Gutenberg is to put books that are now in the public domain on the internet so that people can access them freely. I have read several books from here, and enjoyed them all. Its great because I can load many of them onto my PDA, so I...
  19. jamiethearcher

    Guild Wars Factions v. WOW

    Hi! I am wondering if people here have played guild wars factions and/or world of warcraft. I am a long time guild wars original player, and am trying to decide if i should go with factions or WOW for my next gaming purchase. I got kinda burned out on guild wars, and if factions is...
  20. jamiethearcher

    bank merger/sale sorta

    I just got a letter in the mail today, saying that my bank had sold its branches in the area to another bank, and now my account is being switched over to the new bank. I guess there isn't really any difference in terms of one big bank over another, but its still pretty frustrating they can...
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