• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. D

    Modiki DLL Reference

    What do we want to do for the DLL reference on the modiki? Currently all that's there is a link to the tutorial to compile the DLL; perhaps there are people here who would be willing to come up with some kind of reference? I'd provide a skeleton, but I'm not quite sure what should go there.
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    Modiki XML Reference

    I was going through the Modiki and noticed that there are four XML pages that aren't yet created - Civ5ForceControlInfos, Civ5Automates, Civ5Victories, and Text Files. Would anyone here be interested in adding the information on them? I'd do it myself, except I don't have a copy of civ5 and no...
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    Modiki Python & SDK Reference

    I just got the XML files all added to the modiki a couple of days ago. The python and SDK reference sections are still pretty sparse though - are there any people here who would be willing to work on those pages and get them online?
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    Civilization Modding Wiki

    I figured I should post this since I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the modiki (link is also in the forum navigation bar right next to Downloads). It has a reference to civ4 stuff (as well as other versions of civ), including references to the XML files and links to a ton of...
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    Inno Install Script - Make Install Path More Robust

    Is there a way I can make the installers created with an inno script more robust? Star Trek uses an Inno script to build the installer and I always run into issues; I can basically choose between troubleshooting user errors or teaching some people how to modify the registry. The installer...
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    XP Internet Issue

    I have an issue with a network for an organization at my college. One of the computers on it cannot connect to the internet (but can connect to other machines over the LAN if given an IP address). All other computers can connect fine and are running XP (except the Linux mail/file server)...
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    Connecting to Internet via Router

    Does anyone know how to connect to the internet via a router? I can connect by plugging the modem directly to my laptop but would like to use a Speedstream 4 port router borrowed from my parents so I can have a hardware firewall (since being directly on the internet is very dangerous to say the...
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    Combating Wiki Spam

    Does anyone know of good ways to combat wiki spam? The spam on the modiki has been increasing lately, and I've been removing it as it appears, but I'd like to do something to stop it from appearing in the first place. I've pm/emailed Thunderfall a couple times about installing some add-ons to...
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    Arabia - Boosting Islam

    Currently playing as Arabia, and I have the first two goals and Islam is at 32%. My current plans are to settle another city in India and grow those as big as possible. I'm also sending missionaries to the Aztec and Inca. Unsure if I want to actually conquer their lands - Aztec could be worth...
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    Avoiding Conquerors

    What's the best strategy to avoid conquerors as a new world civ these days? It used to be work boats, but how do you do it now with the new work boat rules and expanded conqueror area? I got lucky in one game as the Maya where the Spanish conquerors spawned on a one tile island, but I had...
  11. D

    Russia - Tips for Getting Science Up?

    I'm currently playing as Russia, just got the Siberia goal, and was wondering if anyone could give me tips for increasing my tech rate. I have about 140 turns to get the Apollo Program built. I just gave away four cities in Siberia and will probably give away the other three - though I might...
  12. D

    Windows 7 Shutdown Issue

    Whenever I shut down my laptop with Windows 7, I get the message that Windows is waiting for some programs to be shut down. It sits there for a few seconds and then proceeds, but it's very annoying. Is there a way to fix this, or at least get Windows to list which programs are the problem (as...
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    Remnants of Altrea Development Thread

    Work on Star Trek is winding down and as such I'm setting sights on my next project: a sci-fi mod based on Fall From Heaven: Remnants of Altrea. The plot is that an exploratory fleet sent from Earth to explore the galaxy went through a spacial anomaly, sending them millions of light years away...
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    When installing, I get the error "You must enter a full path with drive letter; for example: C:\APP or a UNC path in the form: \\server\share". It looks like the registry entries that tell Windows where civ4 is installed do not exist on your system for some reason. Not really sure what to...
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    Modder's Guide to Star Trek

    A lot of this comes from the Modder's Guide to Final Fronter Plus. Special thanks to TC01 for putting that together! I've added/modified it with Star Trek specific stuff. This mod, and all files in it, can be freely used by modders so long as credit is given. XML Reference: The tags...
  16. D

    Civilization Modding Wiki

    I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a modding wiki here at CFC: http://modiki.civfanatics.com/ We have a reference on XML/SQL and some basic info on the mod programs. I'm hoping to have the reference be more complete (we also have stuff of civ4/3/2). I also feel compelled to...
  17. D

    Creating a strong password - 10 characters or less

    Recently I've been trying to replace my important passwords with stronger passwords. The trouble is, my credit card site doesn't allow passwords longer than 10 characters; I think non-alphanumeric characters might also be banned. Is there a way to create a strong password in these conditions?
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    Disabling Research for a Particular Civ - Tech Advisor Problem

    I've set up my Star Trek mod so that one civ can't research techs normally. I've done this by adding a new XML tag in Civ4CivilizationInfos and referencing that tag in CvPlayer::canResearch. Problem is, using the tech advisor screen, you can still research techs! It seems that canResearch is...
  19. D

    What can store ScriptData?

    For a couple Star Trek scenarios I need to store data across save games concerning scripted events. I was hoping to use ScriptData, but I can't find anywhere to put the data on. I can't use units for obvious reasons. Plots are out of the question as well because solar system data is stored on...
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    Need help with strange bug

    I recently converted my Star Trek mod to use Final Frontier Plus as a base and I have a strange bug. A few turns in to the game, I get messages saying a bunch of civs have been killed. However, those civs were never even on the map. In fact, I'm pretty sure it consists of EVERY civ that isn't...
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