Search results

  1. Grandpa Troll

    [C3C] Where are text files located for Conquests to alter a variety of options?

    Ok, having a blast playing around with personal usage Scenarios, strictly Single Player mind you. Best way I can describe what I am looking for,( if it is even possible) is similar to Call To Power notepad (or text documents) entries for instance, RUINS (Goody Huts) had a list of 100 % of...
  2. Grandpa Troll

    [C3C] Map inquiry possibilities being explored for single player pleasure

    I first want to thank you the CFC Community for as long as I have been Civin (a long time) you have been gracious and kind to assist. Here we go, couple inquiries FIRST: I want an all land map or as close as possible. Even some small amount of ocean/water is fine. Basically I want to have a...
  3. Grandpa Troll

    [C3C] Modding turns and variety of single player options

    Hello all. I am 65 in a month and love playing Civ series. I play strictly Single Player and love modding for my enjoyment. I play via Stream and am playing on a Windows 7 64 Bit and wanted a cheat program, I have searched and found great opportunities in the Editor however saw somewhere a...
  4. Grandpa Troll

    Tower Defense Games

    I am 61 years old, had a bad accident about 13 years ago, had my left wrist totally fused and my spine L-4 & L-5 had to be trimmed up from the violent collision. I can play games with just my right hand. I would LOVE to be able to purchase the game Circle Tower Defense for offline play. Is this...
  5. Grandpa Troll

    Ages of Empire II: Definitive Edition

    Has anyone played this yet? I am a big time fan of the series, still make scenarios and play AOE II: The Conquerors expansion pack. Curious if anyone has tried this?
  6. Grandpa Troll

    Guild Wars 1 & 2 Inquiries

    I was wondering, I havent played the original Guild Wars in years, could I reinstall and then simply start over? 2) Would I need to continue where I left off? 3) Was the "World" we played in part of the game or was it an online game only (I havenet played in a long time but wanted to give it a...
  7. Grandpa Troll

    [CTP] Lots of Resources

    I had to install CTP on an older machine, does anyone remember the settings for increasing amount of goods found? I am talking say 7-9 per city radius, had it working fine then laptop dies so restarting tweaking files. This is for strictly scenario making for my pleasure. I run MP and do...
  8. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Is it possible to exclude Mountains from maps?

    I am not a "Modder" per se, however make my own maps from those available and "tweak" them. I enjoy maps with lots of rivers and no mountains since they are fairly useless to me. Is it possible to make a map without Mountains? (as in change a line in a file somewhere?) Currently I have to...
  9. Grandpa Troll

    [CTP] Is it possible to use the Multiplayer mode and have more than the default civilization numbers?

    I play offline and single player, HOWEVER it is easy to be able to say start MODERN and exclude units or wonders I do not want by using the exclude tab versus going in and altering each individual file entry. I play on maps that are 220 X 220 and pick 9 civs and exclude settlers, allowing the...
  10. Grandpa Troll

    [CTP] Scenario question about Rivers

    I ahve been modding this game since shortly after it came out. I play strictly single player now. What I would like is a game with massive amounts of rivers and long rivers at that. Does anyone know which file and what parameters to alter? I have altered Const.txt under the following...
  11. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Is it possible to turn off Global Warming?

    I was wondering if you could turn off Global Warming so tiles dont change when this happens? In CIV II if you had pollution but then you could clean it up which I really liked. Any suggestions, as always this is strictly for old Grandpa Tolls enjoyment and not for public maps. Thanks again...
  12. Grandpa Troll

    [TOT] How to disband a City?

    I went back playing CIV II:TOT and am using I believe the Gigamap with 7 Civilizations. I am very far from my neighborhood of cities, I pop a Hut and its a city...not a settler. My question is how do I disband the city? If I am able does it turn into settler or does the disbanded city just...
  13. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Generating a map with many,many long Rivers?

    Is this possible without manually adding Rivers with World Builder? Thanks again for any/all assistance! Grandpa Troll
  14. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Terrain without Mountains or allow Mountains to be useful inquiry

    I play single player only usually inland Sea or Great Plains. I mod the terrain with no Mountains, simply make a mountain into a Hill. Can I generate maps without having to have Mountains? -OR- Can I make Mountains more beneficial such as bonus with hammers or Gold? Thanks for assisting me...
  15. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] When a Wonder gives you a City Building, like the Three Gorges Dam question?

    Three Gorges Dam give a free Hydro Electric Plant...however when you build the Wonder you still see it in the build possibilities. Does it help to also build the individual city building? I know it sounds stupid but just wondered if it helped to build it in each city in addition to the Wonder...
  16. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Multiple Temples in a City, does this help?

    I have been playing this game since it came out. I learn each time I play how to do something different, often better. My question surrounds various religions within one city, does it help/hinder or no bonus if say you have a Hindu Temple, a Jewish Temple and an Islamic Temple all in one city...
  17. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Aircraft Occupation-2 Part Question

    Team Two questions concerning Aircraft occupancy, First, how can I increase number of Aircraft in a City? Second, will Aircraft perish if I let them stand alone on a city tile adjacent to a city? Thanks for the help as always. Regards Grandpa Troll
  18. Grandpa Troll

    [BTS] Can I make a game for SP NOT having any Nukes available?

    I would like a game in BTS where no nukes of any kind can be built by anyone. Basically a game where only planes could bomb your city or artillery could shell you without nukes raining down. Thanks for any feedback, been looking but couldnt find this spoken about anywhere. Regards Gramps
  19. Grandpa Troll

    [C3C] Unable to delete save in game or find save via PC

    I am running Windows 10 Home Version. I have installed the CIV III disc, the PTW and Conquests, game works fine. I have been working on personal Scenarios, creating and playing no problem. I save the game no problem and can reload a save. Here is my problem: I want to remove the saves I have in...
  20. Grandpa Troll

    [CTP] Modding Wonders

    I Mod CTP all the time, just for Single Player mind you, however was wondering (no pun intended) if its possible to modify Wonders so any civ can also build the same Wonder? (What I am trying to express is this: I am Americans and England builds Stonehenge..I build Labyrinth but then want to...
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