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  1. Homie

    How to set SD card as default storage for all files, but not for the apps themselves?

    Please do not misunderstand my question. I do not want to make my SD card adoptable storage. I want all my apps to be installed to my internal storage. But I want all media files downloaded by all my apps as well as the photos and recordings I make be installed on the SD card. Internal memory...
  2. Homie

    The Party Organizer Problem - An Economics problem

    Hi, I am interested in this particular Economics problem. I was hoping that some of you can tell me whether it has a name, and if there is a solution. So all economists are encouraged to reply :) It goes like this: You invite people to your party. People want to go, but only if many other...
  3. Homie

    Frederic Bastiat. Greatest economic/political mind of all time?

    I don`t know if he is, but he is certainly up there. More importantly, I believe he deserves the title because he communicates his ideas so perfectly. You could be completely unschooled on economics and still understand everything he has to say with ease. He uses examples that are timeless, and...
  4. Homie

    Norwegian Whaling

    Here is an article from Greenpeace about Norwegian Whaling: So what do you guys think about whaling, Norwegians and non-Norwegians alike?
  5. Homie

    Fallout 3 sucks!!

    I just had to get that off my chest. I haven`t played 1 or 2, but number 3 sucks big time. I`m glad I never bought it, but borrowed it from a friend first. HATE that game!
  6. Homie

    Grad school vs. College Party Factor!

    So who here have gone to college and grad school (Master`s or doctorates)? More specifically, who here went to grad school at some other school than where they got their bachelor? Was it sociable, party time and fun? I got into UC Santa Barbara, big party school. But I didn`t go there for...
  7. Homie

    Do you regret past sexual experiences?

    If you haven't had sex and are not in a serious relationship or marriage, don't vote. I.e. you have to have had previous sexual experience and currently be in a serious relationship in order to vote. I am curious to see the outcome. Edit: Mods, can you please change the title to "Are you...
  8. Homie

    The Bible silent on pre-marital sex?

    1. Is the Bible silent on pre-marital sex? If not, show it. 2. If so, does God not condemn it? Personally I believe that The Bible sort of infers it when it describes sexual promiscuity in a negative light. However, it never straight out says "Do not have sex before marriage". If God wants us...
  9. Homie

    Military names MILF commanders deadly civilian attacks?

    The military is naming MILFs as commanders? Is this a new tactic to kill the enemy with constant boners? We know the military has tried to immobilize the enemy with horniness before, we all remember the gay bomb. hehe. No, this is just a coincident of acronyms that mean different things being...
  10. Homie

    Why do people never yield their position, even on trivial matters?

    I can understand why people would not yield on their opinions on religion, morals, and life altering matters. But why would people (often on Off-Topic) not admit that they are wrong in a debate about economics, science or any other matter that will not change the way they life their life one way...
  11. Homie

    Anti-gravity, merging solid objects and other crazy science

    Is John Hutchison for real or fake? Is the videos of his work just doctored video clips or can this crazy guy really do this stuff with his unorthodox approach and experiments in the field of physics? Edit: I am not trying to slant the question, I really am curious as to what people think, and...
  12. Homie

    Why is the web more libertarian and socialist?

    So in a current thread on off-topic I said something to the effect of "If everybody agrees that it should be legal, why the heck is it illegal?" (referring to cannabis) to which a person replied (paraphrased) "Most people on this website yes, but most people in the real world do not agree. The...
  13. Homie

    Salvia. Should it be legal? (with poll now)

    For those who don't know what it is, read the wiki article on the plant salvia divinorum here: This psychoactive herb is currently legal in most states in the US, and in most countries in the world. However, more and more states are banning it...
  14. Homie

    Grad school vs. college

    Is grad school really all that much harder than college? Is it worth the 2 extra years + 2 years of expenditures to get the masters degree? I am an econ major and I am considering a graduate degree, probably also in economics, but not necessarily. Because in America you can take a 4 year...
  15. Homie

    Who would you vote for? Dr. Paul, Kang or Kodos

    It is the year 2012 and the US presidential elections are coming up. Two aliens, named Kang and Kodos have reached our planet with the intent of enslaving the human race. Kodos have taken over (by force) the Democrat party and Kodos have taken over the Republican party and both are running for...
  16. Homie

    Miracles convince, or not? Contradtiction?

    Is this s a contradiction or not? How can it be explained. I came across this as I was looking for info to re-educate myself on some Biblical stuff in order to answer some questions posed by sanabas in another thread. Jesus says in Matthew 11:21 "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If...
  17. Homie

    Self-employers. What do you do?

    I am interested in the entrepreneurs (self-employed) of this forum. Who are you, what do you do? Do you own/run a business (like a store or restaurant) or do you provide services for people (e.g. an accountant or consultant). What are the benefits and downsides with being employed? Both in...
  18. Homie

    If the US presidential elections were held today, what would you vote?

    I don't know if this has been done recently, but I haven't seen it, so here it is. Vote for the candidate of your choice
  19. Homie

    College Life

    Post your pictures and videos from college, wheter you're still a student or an alumni. I'm thinking fun and crazy stuff, not boring portrait ones of you and your friends. A friend of mine walking the length of the hall on his hands.
  20. Homie

    Racist rap?

    Is this rap racist or not? Or maybe it is racist but it's OK because it was made by a black man? Is it funny, educational, eye-opening, honest, horrible, should be banned, catchy, incorrect? Discuss! But first view the video:
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