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  1. T

    CD cracked; what do I do?

    And if you look out the window, you'll probably see a pink pig flying by! :)
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    Captured Wonders Produce No Culture

    No, as the standard game is currently captured wonders will never produce culture.
  3. T

    Captured Wonders Produce No Culture

    Would you say the pyramids don't provide culture to the current country of Egypt, which is now an Arab country and a completely different civilization to the people who built them?
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    Captured Wonders Produce No Culture

    I agree the wonders SHOULD eventually start giving culture to its new owners.
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    Problem downloading BtS

    I'm confused. What exactly are you downloading? Did you buy the game thru Direct2Drive or whatever it is?
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    Fortify has a problem

    Yeah yeah times are out of whack, but i still think it makes complete sense for defensive fortifications to improve over time.
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    Fortify has a problem

    Yes, it doesn't work immediately. That's because it takes time to build fortifications, ie/ dig a foxhole, pillboxes, barbed wire, landmines.
  8. T

    Anyone still playing Civ4Col?

    Incredible how Firaxis continue to totally disrespect their customers with these crappy, untested releases. For christs sake start firing these idiot play-testers you must have, or at least fire the person who doesn't listen to what any semi-intelligent playtester must say about these constant...
  9. T

    Any cheat for this?

    Dude, you have like 14 cities and haven't built one courthouse! I only had a very quick look, but you seem to be doing quite well. Build courthouses in every city, especially those new ones that are so far away from your cap. Once you build 7 u can build the forbidden palace and then your...
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    Ethiopean Rush Against Time-An Immortal Struggle

    Haha sounds like you had a lot of fun. One thing I would suggest when invading an enemy that large is to burn a lot of the cities if you're not yet able to support them. You can always rebuild them later, and usually in a better spot.
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    Any cheat for this?

    You'd be much better off watching how a good player plays than trying to emulate the AI.
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    Patch Question

    Install Civ4. Install BTS. Install 3.17 patch. Then install Solvers patch if you're that way inclined.
  13. T

    What's Up With the Col II Website?

    Sounds like they need to release a patch for the website?
  14. T

    Look what I found at FAQ

    HAHA so true! "I just can't understand why my Christmas-release LucasArts game sucks!"
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    I don't think a patch is coming

    Commiserations to those of you tricked into buying Colonization by Firaxis. For those whining, I would advise you all to continue it. I Imagine there would not have even been a BTS 3.13 and 3.17 if it wasn't for all the players constantly badgering Firaxis and complaining about the state of...
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    3.13 vs 3.17

    Sorry but I just found the OP incredibly baffling. Sure, it's his choice to play the game however he likes, it's his choice never to play again. However it is my choice to ROTFL at such ridiculous logic. :)
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    3.13 vs 3.17

    The poor little baby upgraded his game and now can't cheat as conveniently as before. Awwwww!!! That's okay, just throw your toys out of the pram. Never play again :lol:
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    Watching other Civs move

    I would recheck 'show enemy moves', it's fairly useful to be able to see the units moving when you're at war with someone :)
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    Were Culture Bombs Nerfed in BtS?

    Yeah I find it's often better to just settle the GA in the city and have the 12 culture per turn build the culture out the slow way over time. You don't have to worry about the city flipping back to the civ that first owned it, only to any 3rd civ if their culture is in range.
  20. T

    Ever have a game where just everything goes right?

    I don't usually win on Immortal. The game I played the other day however was just perfect. It'll probably be a few weeks before I win on Immortal again so I'm basking in the glory :lol: Pangea, playing as Inca. Had Gilgamesh to the east, Monty to the North West and Saladin/Sitting...
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